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Letter given to us.

I have been visited in my reverie. I have been tasked with spreading the word. I’m not sure why I was chosen. I’ve never been overly pious. My only ability is conveying images through the written word. I don’t think I am the only one who has been tapped for this duty, but I know I will not fail. 

I feel dread. The darkness surrounding me is palpable. I’m not alone. Dark is here. Dark tells me of a time, before the event we call the Cataclysm. A time before Divine Inquisitors. A time when the Gods had direct intervention with our plane. 

Dark says, “The last time the Peal sounded, the old gods took their leave. It rang out, and all mortals knew something had changed.”

My discomfort is lifted, but I know I am not alone. This presence is otherworldly, but nothing I’ve felt before. Grey is here. Grey tells me of a time when, if there was a need of the Gods to signal us, then Their call must be heeded with haste. 

Grey says, “The Peal is a clear and piercing tone. It rings out five times, with no ring overlapping the other.” 

I feel peace. I am enveloped in so much bright energy it is like just before i’d feel pain from it. Light is here. Light tells me of the time when the Inquisitors would roam the land the Peal was no longer needed. But that time is gone, and there is a need now. 

Light says, “All living creatures that must take notice, in the mortal plane, will hear the Peal. any Mortal that doesn’t heed the calling will answer to consequences.”

In unison, They all say, “Any God may sound the Peal. Our reasons are beyond your mortal understanding, but they will not be frivolous.”