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Full Version: Concerning the Town Colors
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Good Evening Citizens and Friends who reside in Wayfare, 

I recently received correspondence from the Champion and Lady Aster on the matter of the town colors. In the instance of a Citizen wanting to wear the colors as livery or in appreciation of the Town the colors are thus. 

Primary - Gray
Secondary - Maroon
Tertiary -  Gold

As long as you are a Citizen of Wayfare you are allowed to utilize these colors on shields and wear them as garb to represent the Town in this fashion. This question came up in the time since our last Gathering and Lady Aster wanted to send a final word on the matter so all who ask can be directed here for the answer. Hope everyone is staying warm as the days grow shorter and the snow starts to take over much of the land. Anyone planning trips or already abroad, please be safe on your journeys.