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Melee? - Printable Version

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Melee? - Warninjax - 02-24-2016

As far as Melee goes, lets say I want my character to also be able to use his fists, is there a way I can make it where my boffers are like claws, but not? Because claws are symbolized by there length, so my question is, is it possible to make it where fists or hands can be used the same without actually punching someone. Like is there a length or color I could personally use to make it represent a hand rather than a sword?

RE: Melee? - Gideon - 02-25-2016

If I recall correctly small green boffers used to represent unarmed attacks
But I've never seen them IG

RE: Melee? - DARKJAY - 02-25-2016

A black boffer with a red band near the base represents an in-game claw or other type of body part (fist, tail, stinger, etc.) used as a natural attack form. Using a "claw" boffer requires special permission due to some sort of in-game transformation or other in-game occurrence.

But other than that, you are free to use any length or color weapon you wish. It will be considered a weapon in-game.

RE: Melee? - Warninjax - 02-25-2016

Okay, I was thinking of making small flesh colored boffers that would be a "Fist" weapon.

RE: Melee? - DARKJAY - 02-25-2016

You could call them "brass knuckles" or something, but they would be considered weapons as far as combat effects go. In other words, they would be subject to Disarm, Shatter, etc.

Remember that weapons cannot be shorter than ten inches.

RE: Melee? - Warninjax - 02-25-2016

Yaaaaaassss, then that's all I needed, either this game, or next game I'll have "Brass Knuckles"

RE: Melee? - Warninjax - 02-28-2016

I know I brought this up before I do have another question? For Melee weapons, if I follow the same rules as a standard 10 inch melee weapon, could I make a Katar shaped boffer as a weapon?

RE: Melee? - DARKJAY - 02-28-2016

A Weapon that has a handle perpendicular to the blade, or that uses a punching motion, is deemed to be unsafe and is not allowed.

No chain weapons, either. Nothing with moving parts, ropes, etc.

RE: Melee? - Warninjax - 02-28-2016

Okay, I started thinking about it and was like,"Yeah that's gonna be painful."