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Constitution - cholehedgehog - 09-23-2019 + Preamble +
We the people of the Township of Wayfare, stand forever as sovereign and free. We declare independence for our Town and our People. This Constitution establishes the foundation of our Republic. We move forward to improve the lives of those who would seek to join our Township, and to stand against those who would oppress the free folk of this world.Â
+ Article I: The Government +
Therein the Structure of the Governing Body
Section I: The connection between the Council and the People shall be made by the Open Forum. Before the Council meeting upon the First Morning of each Gathering, any Citizens of the Town shall be welcome to approach the Council or Council Members with proposals, complaints, suggestions, and or ideas that can be deferred to proper Government Officials, Guilds, and or to the Council to be debated in the Meeting following the Forum. This allows for the inclusivity of those who prior may not have had the option or ability to participate in the process of Governance or decision making. Those who are in Guilds or Outfits are to seek their elected Council Representative for their proposal, and those unaffiliated with either seek the Second. Section II: The Council is formed by those elected by the Guilds, Mercenary Outfits, and Merchants who are appointed to represent the People’s interests and safety in the Government. In regards to the Guilds and Outfits, each certified and approved group, consisting of five or more members, is allowed to select one of their number to represent the motivations and aspirations of their group. These representatives are to hold their office for a one year term and can be re-elected for a consecutive second term.The guilds are allowed to elect whomever from their number to represent them in their own means of electing this member to the position. This Council debates new proposals, amendments to laws, and projects that are brought to them and must make a decision by means of vote that benefits the whole of the town. Then take their selected proposals, amendments, and projects to the Leader for final approval. Guild specific proposals that benefit those guilds are not to be brought to the Council. Section III: The Leadership consists of the Leader, Second, Champion, and Magistrate as the four major offices in this level of Government. The Leader is the highest authority in the Town, and finalizes all proposals, amendments, and projects as debated and voted on in the Council. If the Leader does not approve of any motion brought by the Council it goes back to them for revisions and debate to bring back to the Leader for the last time to be approved. If no approval is brought then the motion is vetoed and blocked. To represent the Town on this level of Government and to sit for them on the Council is the Second. They are selected by the Leader to be the Town’s Representative on the council. The Second is also the Successor to the Leader in the cases of Temporary Leave, Death, or the Stepping Down of said Leader. In the event that a Leader dies or steps downs and the Second succeeds to the Leader position, then they select a new Second to Succeed them as to maintain the Rite of Succession. To guide and lead the Town’s defenses and military endeavors is a Champion as appointed by the Leader to be reviewed by the Council. They will make plans for the town defenses and guide the town in any training needed to better the fighting strength and skills of the Town. They may choose individuals to assist them in command and control as to be approved by the Leader. These officials act as Officers to assist the Champion in battle to maintain combat discipline and line cohesion. As a Law Keeper and Judge, a Magistrate is appointed by the Leader and reviewed by the Council. They must be impartial and knowledgeable of the Town’s Laws. They sit with the Council during the Open Forum to make any legal decisions in regards to any complaints or disputes brought the Council that may be in the purview of the Magistrate. The Magistrate may select Wardens to be approved by the Council to monitor goings on in town and be available if a crime is committed and can readily make any immediate arrests after a recent crime or enact on any warrants that are created by the Magistrate after investigation of past crimes that are reported to the Magistrate. After the appointment of Magistrate and or Champion is made, each position is placed in a probationary period for two gatherings consecutively in order to review the performance of those appointed. This gives this gives the Council time to make a solid judgement of the person’s character and abilities in the position. Once the second gathering comes to a close on the third day, during the Council meeting that day the appointments are confirmed or vetoed by the Leader post review.  Section IV: Within the inner workings of the Government lay minor offices tasked with fulfilling certains administrative duties. The Scribe chronicles the goings on of the Government and records the minutes of the Council Meetings each Gathering. They are the record keeper and also manage the Census for the collection of Taxes which are to be collected after the Font Water is brought to town so all citizens in town are present to pay their tax and be recorded for the Census. The Treasurer keeps the ledgers for the Town’s funds from taxes, and for the product that is produced for trade. Maintaining the Accounts and assisting the Scribe during the Census and Collection of Taxes, they record the taxes paid by each citizen and notifies them of any debt due to the town in the form of back taxes and what is owed for the rest of the year. Other minor Offices include those positions as appointed by the Champion and the Magistrate. These minor offices are reviewed for performance and reinstated for those who excel in their duties, and for those who underperform or commit any crimes while in their tenure in their office will be recalled and duly punished for their actions. Section V: Those who serve as Council Members, those in Minor Office, and those of the Major Offices will always serve the Town first and foremost in all proceedings with Truth and Honor in order to preserve the Constitution by Oath in front of the Gods and in front of those they Represent and Defend through their position in the Government. Section VI: As an office to Regulate Trade within the Town, the Merchants Guild is tasked with creating, managing, and regulating a fair market for the goods and services that can be produced and rendered in the Township of Wayfare. They are to generate and hold a ledger of commonly agreed base prices for goods and services. As well as propose a base markup for goods and services that all who commit themselves to Trading and Service Industries that is approved by the Leader. This is to have an agreed upon general markup as to create a fair market for those who would seek to Trade with the Town and for those within the Town who actively trade amongst themselves for goods and services.  + Article II: The Law +
Therein the Laws of the Town both High and Low
Section I: The laws of the town are divided into two degrees, that of High and Low. These degrees do not put some crimes over others in regards to severity or importance for the Magistrate to prosecute those who would commit these crimes, but as a means to seperate those Laws that are punishable by execution or other severe punishments, and those that are punishable by fines or labor. These Laws are to be upheld by the Magistrate and any Warden appointed by them with a non biased mindset and sense of honor. Section II: Any Nobles, Allies, or Visiting Peoples must follow the letter of the Law. They are as much beholden to them as the Citizens and the Government are. No special treatment or immunities are given in these circumstances. Section III: Those crimes of a High Degree are as follows.Â
Section IV: Those crimes of a Low Degree are as follows.Â
Section V: Punishments that can be rendered to those who are found guilty of a crime of either High Degree or Low Degree are such.Â
+ Article III: The Census and Tax +
Therein the Acts of recording the Census and collecting the Tax
Section I: The Town Census and Tax is to go hand in hand and upheld by the Treasurer and Scribe. The Census determines the Annual Tax rate, and the Tax is to be collected each Gathering for the amount determined by the Census. Section II: The Census is to be recorded annually to account for changes in income for Citizens and for any person who joins the Town of Wayfare as a Citizen. This information is kept secret from others in and outside of Wayfare. All private information is kept safe under lock and key by the Scribe. If in any case where a great change whether positive or negative occurs where the taxable income of the People is affected, then a new Census can be proposed and approved by both the Council and the Leader. Section III: The Tax is levied each Gathering and is a designated amount to be collected. The gathered Tax goes to the Town Coffers for use in Public Works, Emergency Funds, and Sanctioned Rituals that benefit the whole of Wayfare. The collected Tax is to be kept under lock and key by the Treasurer and protected by all means from both internal and external threats. Section IV: The Taxation of product produced by the People in Wayfare is also determined by the Census in order to set a price for goods in town that are to be sold to outside traders and to create a Fair Market for those who come to Wayfare to trade. This data is to be recorded and kept by both the Scribe and Treasurer to keep track of the needs of the Town in order to request that ventures be made to bring in necessary supplies and goods. The set price to be determined by the Census is a suggestion for local Traders and Craftsmen to use as a baseline to set prices of their personal wares in order to ensure that both Tax revenue and personal profit can be made without the exploitation of outside Traders and Citizens in order to maintain the Fair Market. Section V: The Census can also assist in the case where a Levy is drawn in order to gather specific supplies or resources that would otherwise be difficult to be gathered in a moments notice for any Public Work, Emergency Situation, or Sanctioned Ritual. Those who contribute to such a Levy will be fairly compensated.  + Article IV: Citizenship +Â
Therein the path to Citizenship and the Rights of the Citizen
Section I: Those who reside in town for two consecutive Gatherings are offered Citizenship upon the final day of their Second Gathering and are subject to all the Rights and Protections given to them by the Law, Town, and Government of Wayfare upon acceptance of citizenship. Section II: As a citizen of Wayfare, one is required by Law to pay the Tax and to defend the Town from outside Threats and Dangers. Those who are non-citizens are allowed to donate to the town in regards to taxes but are not required to pay in to the Tax. They can also choose not to defend the Town from the Threats for they are not citizens. If a non-citizen is planning on settling in Wayfare they can choose to start paying the Town Tax early in order to contribute to the Public Works and Projects of the Town. Section III: Upon the end of the Second Gathering those who choose to become permanent Citizens of Wayfare shall be declared such. On the first night of the third Gathering they shall receive their Citizenship Papers to account for their status as Citizens and to flesh out their basic details for the Census. This will include any Guild or Outfit they are a part of, their Trade, their Names and titles, and their residential cabin’s number. This allows for an easy reference during the collection of the Tax and the updating of the Census if new documents are drawn up for changes in status of living or affiliation between gatherings. Section IV: Benefits of citizenship include the ability to approach the Town to retrieve more Death Tokens if they need more to pay Death’s Toll. Being protected under both High and Low crimes. Those non-citizens who reside or visit the Town are protected under the High Crimes, however non-citizens who visit or reside in Town are not protected under Low Crimes. + Article V: Charters +
Therein the functions of the Guild and Outfit Charters
Section I: For any Guild or Outfit that wishes to be made official and gain representation on the Council, the group must pay for their Charter annually to certify their guild as a Sanctioned Guild or Outfit for the Town of Wayfare. Section II: A group must have a minimum five citizen members in order to qualify for a Guild Charter. The price of the Charter is equal to the number of members the guild has. The price of the Charter being a minimum of five gold. Those who hold charters are expected to renew their charter annually the first Gathering of the new year. Section III: The Charter allows the group to be sanctioned in Town and to have one of their number be on the Council to represent their interests in Town matters. Additionally Chartered Guilds may request aid in the form of Manpower for expeditions from the Town and from other Guilds. This also allows the Guild or Outfit to request loans for projects from either the Town Coffers or from the other Guilds. The Charter must be renewed on an annual basis in order for the Guild or Outfit to retain their Sanctioned Licensure to operate as an approved Guild. Section IV: The Township of Wayfare has the ability to sanction the creation of a guild. These guilds are open enrollment and are exempt from having to pay for their charter and it’s renewal. These Town Sanctioned Guilds are given a charter approved by the town for them to be licensed, operate, and exist in the Town. These include but are not limited to Clerics, Mages, and Fighters guilds. If the Town receives a Charter and it matches the criteria of a Sanctioned Guild, then the guild may be given the opportunity to become Sanctioned. However, if a Charter is received that already matches the Charter of a Sanctioned Guild they will be referred to that guild for enrollment lest they give a substantial reason for the redundancy to exist.  Written by Alarik Gunnarson