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Why not just death. My experience if you kill them enough they generally stop doing whatever it is. And if you do do a law like the cone, might as well skip the formalities and kill them cause they wont let it happen.
I do not know... the wood Idea sounds great to me! It's hard enough to make them wish they did not have to do it but not so bad that it will kill them . Also it will exhaust them enough so they won't have the energy to misbehave afterwards.
I might also have to interject, that anyone having to come behind the bar to do punishment dishes won't be permitted. Only bar staff will be allowed behind the bar at any time. Anyone else I will be forced to take care of.
All other things will be welcomed though! Tables and bringing the glasses foreword. Just, no one step behind the bar please.
Manual labor seems to be a hit with the townsfolk Magistrate , why not implement it?
As Loki has stated above, anyone behind the bar without mine or the bar staff say so will be dealt with accordingly, lest the Magistrate save your skin first.

Thank you Loki for making this very clear to everyone.

Any further questions pertaining to the bar can be sent to me by courier.

Feliks Grundwal
Barkeep of the Lazy Fox.
Leader of Boar Clan.
Warden to the Mistress of House Nightshadow. 
"Always charge, show no fear, and protect those who are dear."
I appreciate all the talk of punishment. All of your ideas are good in their own ways, and I may in fact implement some of them for certain crimes. However I would like the talk of these punishments to be kept away from public eyes. I would love to hear all of your thoughts on matters such as these but I believe displaying it in such a public manner maybe rude to those who simply pass by. Out of respect for those merchants and farmers please send everything else you have to me via a letter.


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