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Thats not what im saying at all. My point is that rushing leadership leads to bad consequence. Why sir are you so eager to rush a decision when you know nothing of this world or how its run? Acting without the correct information and without knowledge of who precisely you vote for could easily lead to all our deaths.
Having a voice is good, no one should go unheard. With that said, facts are needed. We have a few, but need more. It was announced to everyone in The Umbral Tavern last moon that we are residing in a territory that has a capital named Delta (because it's literally in a river delta) that houses a ruling body known to us as "The Court." In scrolls that were obtained we learned about "The Ravaging", an event that coincides with the story that the individuals that were asleep for 500 years saw the beginning of. During this cataclysmic event the entire world was destroyed and few survived. Waves of power from the fallen God known as "The Ravager" laid waste to everything that once was, including the Kingdom of Baronia and The Grand Duchy. According to those scrolls there are no kingdoms left in the world. The living visitors to our new home corroborated that story.

The right and just thing to do is for us to reach out to Delta and The Court to gather more information about our new home. It is important to have a presence in the town that can be trusted, and to have faith that we will look out for one another. Something has to be done about the current state of affairs, and I don't claim to have all the political answers, but arguments based on emotion and hasty decisions are more harmful than biding our time until we have better answers. I found Ghola's treatise on the Gods to be a great document, and in it she warns of the dangers that Chaos brings. The truth of our situation is harsh, but there isn't a quick solution to it. In reality, putting a figure at the head of our motley group doesn't necessarily solve any problems. Listening to each other will. And that means all voices are heard by everyone out of respect. Remember facts, not feelings, when we all discuss with one another.

Most importantly, don't forget what brought about about "The Ravaging." Defy the Gods wishes all you want, but denial of them carries harrowing consequences. Giving aid and favor to Dark things brought about a functional "end of the world" and we are left rebuilding. Nobility and ruling bodies are a luxury that we don't really have right now, but order and respect are always within our power and purview, whether someone else tells us we can or not.

For anyone who feels strongly about an election I encourage a thought exercise, and I'm not asking for your answers. Publicizing the answers is not the point. Who would you choose to lead? Who do you trust enough to make the hard calls for you? Talk with those people more, and know that there will always be those who disagree with you. That's mortal (and immortal for that matter) nature. Remember every time you want your voice to be heard and you want to be respected that everyone else wants that exact same thing. When everyone acts in this way we will become the cohesive settlement that we are searching for. And to those who have the trust and respect of those around you, stand up for them and stand up to the Dark things that would come for them.

I'm not looking for a fight or a public debate with anyone, but I encourage people to contact me privately. Thank you to anyone that took the time to read this. Stay strong, fellows, we have weathered dark and dangerous nights and there are surely more to come. I plan to remain in this town for as long as there are those who will stand with me against the darkness.
I agree with Ellywick here. I understand people want an election to happen. I won't lie, things have changed over the years we have been gone, but like Ellywick said and many others before him we are all still recovering from either the fog or the sleep. There is nothing wrong with waiting a while longer so everyone can adjust to what this world is like now. I understand why people have issues with what is going on now, but having a formal discussion about it next moon and then actually having a vote the moon after gives us time to think about what was talked about. If we leave it to a decision now, we are rushing things and I don't believe this would be in the best interest for this town. As for voting Darkwood, just because he said he wanted to wait does not mean he shouldn't get to vote. We need to discuss what is happening in this town, who is interested and qualified for the position and then give everyone some time to think about who we think best fits as leader. One night will not be enough to make the best decision after we had our discussion. I say we have our meeting next moon, think it over, and then make our decision the following moon. Otherwise, I feel that people are going to be pushed into something they are unsure about and many will feel uncomfortable and upset with the results, causing a further divide in this town, which we are trying to unite in a peaceful manner. An election is good, but giving time to debate and think over it will not be wrong.
Ladies and gentlemen, my goal is for us to have an election. Not just to put someone in charge, but to unite us. Not just caravaners and sleepers any more. We are Rowan's Crossing. No matter how we got here, no matter how long we may or may not have been here. We need to be unified. A leader that we all have voted for is a great way to start. No matter if it be me, or darkmoon, or whoever else decides to run. We will have chosen that leader as a town. There are people who don't like Darkmoon, there are people that don't like me. But a decision should be made as soon as possible so we can start as quickly as possible to start getting pur problems solved.
I have another suggestion as well. I dont particularly like the idea of having one person as leader. That just seems like a power trip waiting to happen. May i instead suggest a council of either 3 or 5 people. I feel that way everyone can find someone they like and everyone can feel better represented. Keeping it an odd number of people would also allow us to not have any ties if an idea needs to be voted on.
Why not put the religious leaders in charge?
Ransom not everyone puts their stock in religious leaders. Having a diverse group would be more beneficial to the town as a whole.
This town seems very invested with their faiths, though. It was the first thing I was asked about by a couple people! I think it would be much nicer to cover every belief in a leader than one leader with one belief. Unless you have one deity, then yeah, one leader. At least that's how my home did it. Our Divine Adoratrice led us, not a Mayor or King or Queen. And it works great!
A town consil is a good idea, although it will not work for quick decisions. We still need a leader.
Perhaps this moon while we are learning more about each other, each of us could gather more information on the governmental structures around us and what each of us believes we would like to see for leadership. A mayor? A few people in charge of different things such as diplomacy , and a battle leader etc? Or maybe a council? Gather more information and form a well structured opinion as to why we should proceed in a certain direction, and share. Uninformed decisions are never the best option when we have the opportunity to learn more. This election seems forced, and is very clearly creating more chaos then where we were at before. This chaos will only bring darkness. I openly oppose this election, and see no good coming from it. We must learn more.

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