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It's ladies night!
So we here at the bar wanted to celebrate and cherish the lovely ladies of Rowans Crossing! To remind them that they are worth their make as much as anyone else and that we appreciate all the hard work they do around the town. 

Not that you boys aren't appreciated but I am a biased fox and I do love my lady friends! -wink- 

So Felix has decided to host a 'ladies night' on the night of the second moon, satursday from 10 bells all the way to a bright 1 in the morning ladies will drink for free! There will be games, and Aster and I will be hosting our cute little event! All are welcome and encouraged to participate of course, wether you're a lady or not we hope to see everyone there to join in on the fun.
I am so excited for this
Part of me is certain this is an illusion, a trick of the mind
something fun to do in town?
Finally. You've deserved this for a while ladies
I for one , fully intend to take advantage of this!!
what would you do if a man comes in and solemnly believes he's a woman? (and i don't mean me)
Well, what a curious question! Although, our ladies night is more specifically being held to celebrate the ladies of Rowans crossing, like i stated before. So as far as outsiders go, and though we'd never turn away a new patron male or female, our focus will be on our woman Moulder. Though if what your insinuating is something then isnt it a bit rude to still call these ladies, men?

You ask what we would do? Well we'd serve her a drink of course! But by no means is this an open door to aqcuire free drinks by some crafty drunkard. I'll be watching and im smarter than I look. If you try to pull the wool over my eyes I promise it wont be that rewarding.
trust me, i only speak of improbable possibilities, but their possible. and i don't have the resources to spare for a "free" drink. i'd get my money's worth buying drinks from your bar
Obtaining a free drink is always its own reward regardless of how it is accomplished!

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