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Town Meeting
In light of everything happening I would like to call a town meeting. At 11 bells Friday night I would like to ask Aster and Jan to Join me at the high table in the tavern. From there I would like to ask everyone to join us so we can have an open discussion LIKE ADULTS about this whole king debacle. This way we can have all sides present and everyone will have a voice.

No violence.
No no name calling.
No fighting.

I want a civil town meeting where for once we fix our problems instead of fanning the flames.

As a town we have been doing amazingly well this first year. I wish to see this continue so please, please people join me in this meeting and let's fix this before it ends in bloodshed.

And please don't reply to this with more nastiness. Just if you're willing to try to end this civilly and without bloodshed. I believe in the people of this town and I believe we can fix this. So please join me Friday night for a town meeting.
Fantastic, I'll second the motion to have the date set.

I would stress to say that the method of how we declare a leader be set prior to the meeting as I had stated in my decree. Otherwise it will become nigh impossible to mediate a proper debate and decision making process.
I fully agree with this. Put it up to a discussion for the town to decide. Give each side a chance to say what they will and let a decision be made that the town as a whole can agree on, not split it.
So no stabbing?
Thats right Ellywick I want to fix this with no stabbing.
I'll get the graves ready just in case..
I will meet with you
For the people who disrupt the meeting?
(10-04-2016, 05:58 PM)Shad0monks Wrote: For the people who disrupt the meeting?

I'm hoping people will actually be respectful and polite about this and we won't have to ask them to leave.
We should have someone act as a mediator than, to be sure everyone who wants to speak is given equal chances.

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