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Retacking this here.
I don't think people will read this in the right light, if I leave it posted with the other messages. So I will leave here it here for fresh eyes.

Let me put this forth, the Kingdom of Daystar is simply a thing. We have our king and we have those that stand with us. It is clear to me people have views that we are some tyrannical group. Seeking to seize power. This is not true, we see this place as where we want and need to start the kingdom full fledged. We wish to see this as our capital and we wish all of you to be with us and stand with us.

We have already helped to see this town become more, we aided in sorting out the guild. Establishing order within them, sorting out members in leader ship within them.

We have set worth a strong set of laws, that I feel most could agree with. Laws that will help establish unity and give people a clear idea of what this town is and should stand for.

We put forth this code, this code that would apply to the nobility we wish to put forth. Nobility people would earn, and have those code to stand by and for to keep order and keep them from being tyrants to others.

I implore you all to stand with us, if not with us give us time to show you this kingdom is for the better. We seek only to bring us together to stand against the enemies at our gates. Give us time before you make final judgement on our ways.
Strong yet vague laws that can be used as a weapon for those who can come up with a "justified" reason
The laws are sound, and the code of chivalry prevents the abuse of power.
Yet you entertained the thought of execution of those who "created" civil unrest, those of whom are concerned about their future in this town. You simply call this political discourse conspiracy and speak As if not of this should be happening, that we are in the wrong, that this kingdom is the only way
To us the kingdom is the best way. Things are heated. I beg the people to settle their minds and hearts.

Let us all take time so that our words are no so heated. We need unity in this time, not the continuation of strife.
This is why I have called a town meeting. Not everyone is able to look at the boards between moons and with so much going on and so much unrest the town needs to hear it from you personally. This town has been through so much that people have a very hard time trusting what they dont know and they dont know Jan. After everything that's happened we are slow to heal and Jan wasn't there in the time before. He wasn't with us for the Ravaging. We dont know much about him other than what we've been told. But not by him.
Please give him the chance to speak for himself and win the people's trust at the meeting. We're not a town of heathens but we need to know someone before we trust them. Give us the chance to learn about him. Give us time and trust and you might be able to get your kingdom.
I realize my last response may make me seem biased I am neither for nor against Jan. As a towns member he deserves the right to speak as much as the next person. And as a town we deserve to hear the truth of what he's trying to do. All I'm asking for is the truth for all. A point made last moon was that to many people hid the truth and kept secrets. As we break away from that we have a chance to save our town from all the evil that comes our way. We need the truth and we need to hear it from him. Not anyone else. Then the town can decide for themselves what they want.
I write this, and this will be my last public post. Any further questions for me can be sent privately. 

I Lazerous Draegomere have been nothing but honest and true in my words and beliefs on this matter. I say that on punishment of damnation of my very soul if seen fit. Take that for what you will, but please do not assume myself to have lied. I will stand that I fully believe in this and what I have said.
It's not you Lazarus. The word king scares them. We could have called him the Gunther and this wouldn't have happened. Even the stupid ones mean well and think the laws are good for "everyone else ", you can't reason with them. They are children not heroes. We made a mistake, we misjudged them.
It's honestly more the implications from the rest of the realm that frighten me.
Think about it from the idea that you don't live here:
We're a bunch of different looking (I know I'm one to talk) strangers that just APPEARED one day. These odd folk seem to have no idea what the world is currently like for a plethora of reasons. And now, against trying to figure out where they would fit in in our world, they make claims of knowing dealings from 500+ years ago, they have knives to each others' throats and on TOP OF THAT, they want to construct a kingdom??

Did anyone, literally ANYONE, attempt to see who (or what) exactly we'd be pissing off by actually annexing land away from them??

This is what I (and I don't know if I can speak for others, but definitely myself) am afraid of! Not some four-letter word and a overtly complicated game of chess with those who use the words of bullies.
I'm afraid of the ramifications of this bunch of strangers (that to the rest of the world actually appeared out of nowhere) trying to force a new kingdom on the land when we, again, have NO IDEA who or what's around us, instead of quietly learning, accepting, fitting in and helping to improve this new World.

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