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Porthouse's new "Guild"
What we all need is common ground for the good of this town, we should be worrying about facing our enemies, and creating new allies. My opinion most likely doesn't hold weight, but if we are going to survive we need to unite. That should be our first priority.
We have common ground.
The problem is that we also have a vast number of inexperienced people who either do not understand anything, or base their actions and opinions on feelings.
This causes more problems, or if you prefer, "common ground ".
If this ends up causing a problem with an outside force coming in and not like the fact that I own my house, chances are that they are not going to like that we took over there town.
IS there any other real problems with this idea?
Just the one I had asked previously.
I'm curious about that myself.
I would think nobility would be based on merit.
And seeds, not a hefty bribe thrown at Aster.
With your government in a shambles as it is, do you really think letting people know they can also be bought is a good idea?
Collin Darkwinood!!! did you not in just try to make yourself Nobel, with the only MERIT being " hay I know the guy that should be king!!"?
You just tried to buy the same title with nothing but look how cool i am, So if I were you, I would be very quite in this talk.
Oh man,
We need to send courier to Lairne, because Darkwood just got buried.
Actually I was against naming myself a noble.
Feel free to ask Jan about that.
But my point still stands.
That's one of the reasons I was in favor of a meritocracy.
Buying a title won't earn you respect, quite the opposite I would think.
You are more capable than many of being able to earn such a thing on your own.
If enough people respect you for your deeds, and many do, isn't that enough?
darkwood. you have been on the wrong side of this debate from the beginning, For backing the wrong person, too trying to cause fights were there are not any
this is what you said

"Scout, you are wrong. Jan was named king with very little opposition. Aster being the only competent opposition was given 2 moons to decide if he was worthy. Unfortunately she would prefer to create civil unrest and a very brief civil war instead. Deciding who needs to be brought up on charges of conspiracy and treason isn't up to me, but it is a decision I will help enforce."

then when the talk finally happened between the to of them ( without fighting ) Guess what guild you took care of . THE SMOKERS GUILD . you talk alot of trash here but when it comes down to helping, you are not very helpful, unless it dose your way.
I'm not sure what you are basing your opinion on.
Is it that Aster tried to start a civil war, and Jan stopped it?
Or am I just a bad person for pointing out the constant mistakes that you would prefer to ignore?

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