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Halcyon party Sprint and Long Running Contest!
I am hosting for both of the Sprint Running and Long Running. I don't know which days, and which bells. I am hoping for dry ground. I will let you know when I get more info about Halcyon Party.

Sprint Running is you run as fast as you can in a short race. It will start one side of the field and its end on the another side of the field with the pickets. Whoever across the pickets first, will grab 6 golds prize. The second will get 4 golds and the third will get 2 golds. Whoever is in the Sprint Running will get free cold drinks from me.

Long Running is testing on your stamina. I have two ideas, but I will need to hear from you. 

One, running around the edge of the field in few laps. Sounds simple.

Two, start on one side of the field, run to another side of the field with pickets, run to across a bridge that heads to deep wood. After you across it, you may turn right on your own path, don't use the middle bridge, keep continue to the third bridge that has dirt road to uphill Tavern. After you pass Tavern, continue go straight to uphill a bit. When reach uphill take a right, keep running until you see a dirt road with the pickets, take another right to downhill road, there will be finish line at the end of the downhill road.   First place will get 6 golds, second will get 4 golds, and third will get 2 golds. Whoever is in the Long Running will get free cold drinks from me.

Enter fee is 1 gold each. 

IT must sign up on here so I can get enough drinks for all of you.
Can we bet on who will win?
Yes, bet on someone will win is allowed.
im in for all the runs
who else is running?
I will happily sprint.
Ill sprint, and long distance. Like the second long disyance idea but you may wish to show the runners in advance so they dont get lost or put up markers to follow.
Sign up will end on Saturday at noon.

So far for Sprint Running.(run across the field) Prize: First place 6 golds. Second place 4 golds. Third place 2 golds. Each runner will get a free small bottle of cold Lemon-line drink after the race.
4.(Could be you)

For Long-Running Prize: First place 6 golds. Second place 4 golds. Third place 2 golds. (If run through the wood will happen, it will have markers to follow.) Each runner will get a free small bottle of cold Lemon-line drink after the race.
1.Magnus (either one)
2.Rogun. (prefer run through the wood, and it will have markers to follow.)
3.(Could be you too!)
Sorry Mog, its past noon, but is there still time for me it sign up for the sprint?  I'd like to pass on the drink.
My bad... Sign up will end on Saturday First Moon at noon. Forgot to add the moon date, silly me. Is your name Bow?

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