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An Invitation and Chronicling of "The Murder"
~A carefully penned letter hangs posted upon the boards, the paper as white as the ink is black, with runic designs marking the corners and separating the major segments of the text.~

The Hail of a Friend.

As the new moon draws near and our numbers continue to grow, we wish to offer the unity and organisation we have forged to all those who would seek it, as well as to educate those interested or even concerned with our presence as to our goals and our ideals.

To Those Seeking Order and Unity.

To those of you who seek order and unity among the political discord, know you have a place beside us.
To those of you who seek to follow the teachings of the Dark, know you are welcomed warmly.
To those of you who seek to follow the teachings of the Grey, know you are welcomed wisely.
To those of you who seek to follow the teaching of the Light, know you are welcomed as well.

Within our ranks followers of all accords are welcome to study and to practice, seeking balance and wisdom of the forces in the cosmic equilibrium, for even chaos is necessary in nature.

We care not for titles of nobility, nor do we recognize them as valid and of rite.
Our leader is but an organizer, for we are all equals of voice and of claim.

We seek not the gain of coin nor fame, such things have little value to the dead and the dead we will all be. Instead we vest our interest in creating a long lasting and well balanced system of sustainability, wisdom, education, health, and prosperity to benefit all.


All of wise nature are welcome to join us, in one of two way, as a part of The Order  or The Flock.

The Order of Raven:
 The proper order name, members uphold the sacred laws of the order and bare the signature black ribbon, granted in ceremony upon full investment to the order. Additionally, all members abide by the uniform colors and tenets.

The Murder: A murder refers to any gathering of Members of the Order of Raven.

The Flock: Followers, allies, and supporters of the The Order of Raven, they may dawn grey ribbons in show of support and are protected and included in Order affairs, such as combat training.

Why Ravens?
Raven's are a symbol of wisdom, unity, and order. Three greater virtues that drive the order.
Your views on the Dark gods seem naive.
We welcomed them once, let them easily in and thought they were our friends. You know what that got us? the Ravaging.
Well said Lazarus.
S foolish problem we still have because people blind themselves and make excuses.
More foolish is the one whom chooses to turn a blind eye to wisdom obtainable.
We do not condone acts of vile nature in the name of gods or otherwise but rather, we are welcoming to scholars of all the accords.

Those who would choose to contemplate and deliberate on the entropratic nature of the universe, to read the texts of Tempsta and try to see how chaos lies within the natural order of all things.
We would not however accept the ill-fated and maladaptive fool who'd use chaos as a guise to act foolishly and brash. For one who truly follows this "dark god" would know that no one can willfully be random or entropratic.
Rather chaos, true chaos can only be derived from nature and the cosmos's on a scale beyond our common comprehension.

It is such scholarship we endorse and provide a safe haven of study and understanding for.

We have no intentions to empower or embolden dark gods.
They are not our friends, and if you wish to declare them your foe than we decree boldly, "Know thy enemy" and so we welcome followers within our Flock, for one cannot truely learn if they take only the words of a side riddled wholey with bias and vilification.
Your view on Tempesta is completely wrong.
I've heard it before from youthful idealists before, but it is based on a lack of actual understanding and an unrealistic view of both nature and the gods.
You speak of wisdom as if you have it. You speak of the search for knowledge and study as if you own this pursuit? This puzzles me greatly as I seem to have missed your symbol from our God Urgo. Must have been my mistake I will inspect further.
However I do wish to educate you on your view of tempesta for I believe you have been ill educated my dearest friend. Tempesta is the god of chaos yes but you misread the type of chaos. It is a common misconception so I hold no ill will towards you for it but tempesta is the god of willful discord and chaos. The natural chaos with which you speak is a Sylvik principal. The god of nature includes it's nature disorder.
Now on to a more pressing matter. You seem to think that you are the font of all knowledge which is wrong. If you truly follow urgo you would know that all people have wisdom to share but misinformation comes primarily from dark sources. Thus they should not be trusted as you seem so naive to. This is still not where you have me at ends. All of this can be forgiven. The one thing that cannot be forgiven is the lies you now spread. You claim to be all about wisdom and learning and yet you know nothing and discredit someone of much more wisdom than yourself. You have done the same to many in this town which disgusts me. If you wish to prove your wisdom then first you must claim you have none. If you continue to spout this nonsense then I will show you and your flock what it is to know your enemy. Do not forget who enriches your training.
There are a lot of accusations based on assumptions here.
Such inspiration and faithful writings found again
May the God of Irony be ever emboldened by what we find here
Methinks the mushrooms have better things to say at this point.

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