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A Dark Deed Needed?
It has come to my attention that this town desires to have a Dark deed done on its behalf.  I am willing to perform a task that will greatly please Dark.  All I require is one flask of holy water, one dose of Poison of any type, and 10 Gold Pieces.  At the completion of the task, I shall clearly and loudly proclaim “This has been done for the betterment of Rowans Crossing!”
If this sounds like a mutually beneficial arrangement, please respond here.  I will visit the town soon to finalize the agreement. 
Hansel Black
Priest of Dark
It was nice knowing you!
Strange response. Was the information I received incorrect?
Hello Sir,

I would like to tell you that Rowan's Crossing respectfully declines your offer. Though we are trying to get the obelisks back for the gods we do not want a ritual of Dark nature to be performed for us with the intent of “This has been done for the betterment of Rowans Crossing!”

Any information you have heard about us wanting to dabble in Dark rituals is to return the gods to their original state. Going forward Rowan's Crossing does not condone Dark worship or performances on town grounds.

Thank you for your time and safe travels.
Very well then. Perhaps the specific details of the information I received were faulty.

If any individuals wish to fund my task, please post here. I assure you the task will not be performed on town grounds.
I wonder where Hansel got his information...
I have been inundated with supportive private messages, yet I have gotten some ambiguous responses on this public bulletin board.  

But I think I understand now.  There are large numbers of townsfolk who wish to keep our dealings secret because the town has an official policy of not encouraging Dark worship.  I however do not plan to make the town my home, so I have no fears of discussing my offer openly.  It would be much easier for me to address the questions here instead of individually answering all the messages.  

I shall not be performing the deed on town lands, so I will not be running afoul of any edicts of the town leader.  As far as I can tell, those who assist me will not be breaking any rules either.

Several of you have mentioned a “ritual”.  I do not offer a Ritual or a Rite.  Simply a deed.  Personally, I am not overly concerned about the issue of these mythical obelisks.  But I understand that deeds are required.  Deeds sufficiently extreme to please the gods.  This is what I offer.

I will not reveal the details of it.  That is a private matter of faith.  Though, if you wish to convert to Dark worship, I may be persuaded to bring you along for the task.  You must be willing to execute all orders I give.

Some of you assume that I am a mercenary.  I am not currently interested in providing other services at this time.  I am offering a service now based on my faith.
I will send forth runners to arrange private meetings.  I will use the specific names you have written on the messages I have received.  Be forewarned that there will likely be stipulations to these meetings, seeing as how I must be somewhat cautious due to the inexplicable intolerance the town officially shows toward Dark followers.
This deed, what Under God of Dark would this be for? Or would this deed be a performance for the Over God Dark?
I've never met a dark worshiper before. Well I met agatha...abagail. I don't remember her name.
But I thought dark is bad.... was I told wrong? I may not know much about a Gods but I'm learning and everyone always says dark gods are bad.
Eiren, Dark is Evil
Not simply "bad"
There is a clear line between the two

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