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Conversion and Creation of Characters
(01-28-2016, 12:06 AM)satoyue Wrote: So if i wanted to roll a new character and retire my old character would said new character get only the 40% retirement cp or would they get the 40% and the additional conversion as well? So if i have a 530 cp character would my new character after retiring get 212 cp (40%) or would they get 212 cp(40%)+ 175 cp(the conversion cp)
The conversion chart is not an optional CP chart that you add onto current cp totals. It is a conversion chart.

If you convert your 530cp character, you get what corresponds to that ammount of CP. Which is 175cp, and then you will buy skills through the new rule book and play The Awakening version of that character. Same character carries over into the next campaign with the new rules version.

If you retire that 530cp character, you now have 212cp to apply to the chart. You are converting a retired character into a brand new character. This will give you 155cp to build your new character with using the KBA system.

Messages In This Thread
Conversion and Creation of Characters - by Davis - 01-27-2016, 10:25 PM
RE: Conversion and Creation of Characters - by Davis - 01-28-2016, 11:34 PM

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