03-27-2016, 10:22 AM
I agree with Ellywick here. I understand people want an election to happen. I won't lie, things have changed over the years we have been gone, but like Ellywick said and many others before him we are all still recovering from either the fog or the sleep. There is nothing wrong with waiting a while longer so everyone can adjust to what this world is like now. I understand why people have issues with what is going on now, but having a formal discussion about it next moon and then actually having a vote the moon after gives us time to think about what was talked about. If we leave it to a decision now, we are rushing things and I don't believe this would be in the best interest for this town. As for voting Darkwood, just because he said he wanted to wait does not mean he shouldn't get to vote. We need to discuss what is happening in this town, who is interested and qualified for the position and then give everyone some time to think about who we think best fits as leader. One night will not be enough to make the best decision after we had our discussion. I say we have our meeting next moon, think it over, and then make our decision the following moon. Otherwise, I feel that people are going to be pushed into something they are unsure about and many will feel uncomfortable and upset with the results, causing a further divide in this town, which we are trying to unite in a peaceful manner. An election is good, but giving time to debate and think over it will not be wrong.