10-03-2016, 09:30 PM
The hunt for glory is a battle fought by many Moulder. It takes many styles and degrees of effort, but make no mistake those who wish to win this tournament will use all they have to secure victory. This leads to numerous problems if a nefarious bystander decides to come take a look see. 1. they will think us weak due to our lack of skill and effort or the simple fact that these gladiator matches are pathetic duels with practice blades, and thus making them all the more inclined to attempt to kill us. 2. the efforts of a few shine through the the enemy now has detailed information of our strongest fighters. This would make those individuals special targets when planning an attack on the town. We have enemies surrounding us and you wish to showcase your skills for a few coins. This town needs battle training not an arena display for all to come and watch. If you have any further arguments to bring to me then by all means send a courier to me, but this folly should end or I pity those who are targeted as a result of their display.