01-16-2017, 10:14 AM
Jan was right to wait.
I thought we needed action now, but we don't.
Things were rushed, people fumbled, secrets kept - nothing was handled with any sort of expected grace. And I mean, honestly, what could any of you expect. Look at the way we talk to one another. It hardly seems like any given pair of you can sit down and talk like adults.
No wait.
That's EXACTLY what you're doing.
Maybe you should all start acting more like kids.
Because kids certainly don't act like this - I should know! I am one! And you guys are making me act like you - and it SUCKS. You are all miserable to one another and that sucks more! Because these are my friends and family fighting, when they should be helping one another out.
Sure, we all have different opinions, we like different things and hate others. But that doesn't mean we can't get along! There's no need to hold a "blade" to anyone's "throat." Throwing blame, accusation, demanding this or that, yelling, shouting, degrading.
You should all be ashamed.
I certainly am.
Because I've acted the same - and I know I shouldn't have.
So with that.
I apologize to those I have yelled at, might have called names or was short with (I mean technically that's everyone, because you're all crazy tall). I do not, however, apologize for how I have left the Council, that was a mess and needed to be said. I'm sorry the Council did not achieve what we had hoped, but I am proud of us all for trying and appreciate what patience was shown from the town and willingness to work with it - even when some disagreed.
Even though we all argue ... A lot.
I still love this town like Home!
I know we can do great together.
I'm also pretty sure I got off track somewhere in here, but oh well! It's in ink and I can't smudge it out!
I thought we needed action now, but we don't.
Things were rushed, people fumbled, secrets kept - nothing was handled with any sort of expected grace. And I mean, honestly, what could any of you expect. Look at the way we talk to one another. It hardly seems like any given pair of you can sit down and talk like adults.
No wait.
That's EXACTLY what you're doing.
Maybe you should all start acting more like kids.
Because kids certainly don't act like this - I should know! I am one! And you guys are making me act like you - and it SUCKS. You are all miserable to one another and that sucks more! Because these are my friends and family fighting, when they should be helping one another out.
Sure, we all have different opinions, we like different things and hate others. But that doesn't mean we can't get along! There's no need to hold a "blade" to anyone's "throat." Throwing blame, accusation, demanding this or that, yelling, shouting, degrading.
You should all be ashamed.
I certainly am.
Because I've acted the same - and I know I shouldn't have.
So with that.
I apologize to those I have yelled at, might have called names or was short with (I mean technically that's everyone, because you're all crazy tall). I do not, however, apologize for how I have left the Council, that was a mess and needed to be said. I'm sorry the Council did not achieve what we had hoped, but I am proud of us all for trying and appreciate what patience was shown from the town and willingness to work with it - even when some disagreed.
Even though we all argue ... A lot.
I still love this town like Home!
I know we can do great together.
I'm also pretty sure I got off track somewhere in here, but oh well! It's in ink and I can't smudge it out!