01-17-2017, 01:06 AM
You all sound like children, I do not wish to lead anyone. I will continue to enforce the laws agreed upon by most if not all members of the town. King Henrey is the true king and i have made it my duty to find him, help him, release him from bondage. In doing so im hope this quells the Barons spirit and puts him to rest. That is my plan. For those of you that think im taking over, or for that matter making myself king are stupid and redundant. Aster was doing just fine, we had an agreement. My encounter with the Baron changed my thoughts. I will lead who wants to be lead, council who wants to be in council. I will groom a mayor if need be. But your childish actions have caused nothing but distress in this colony. So that being said, thank you to those that supported me, And those that continue know this, me and my group will do what we can do to keep everyone safe and sound and keep order in Rowans Crossing. --Janathan Daystar.