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An Invitation and Chronicling of "The Murder"
You speak of wisdom as if you have it. You speak of the search for knowledge and study as if you own this pursuit? This puzzles me greatly as I seem to have missed your symbol from our God Urgo. Must have been my mistake I will inspect further.
However I do wish to educate you on your view of tempesta for I believe you have been ill educated my dearest friend. Tempesta is the god of chaos yes but you misread the type of chaos. It is a common misconception so I hold no ill will towards you for it but tempesta is the god of willful discord and chaos. The natural chaos with which you speak is a Sylvik principal. The god of nature includes it's nature disorder.
Now on to a more pressing matter. You seem to think that you are the font of all knowledge which is wrong. If you truly follow urgo you would know that all people have wisdom to share but misinformation comes primarily from dark sources. Thus they should not be trusted as you seem so naive to. This is still not where you have me at ends. All of this can be forgiven. The one thing that cannot be forgiven is the lies you now spread. You claim to be all about wisdom and learning and yet you know nothing and discredit someone of much more wisdom than yourself. You have done the same to many in this town which disgusts me. If you wish to prove your wisdom then first you must claim you have none. If you continue to spout this nonsense then I will show you and your flock what it is to know your enemy. Do not forget who enriches your training.

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RE: An Invitation and Chronicling of "The Murder" - by Raynor - 03-08-2017, 09:06 PM

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