03-26-2016, 08:32 PM
As far as I know, there is no higher power, other than Umbral of course.
03-26-2016, 08:32 PM
As far as I know, there is no higher power, other than Umbral of course.
03-26-2016, 08:34 PM
old Baronia had a king , and since we cant find him , his sister the queen is taking over
03-26-2016, 08:37 PM
Is there a kingdom? Are we a group of children grasping for an adult? The minority of the town, 500 year's ago followed their rule, and they can still follow her if they want but we still need a leader regardless. I doubt the queen would come to deal with our balogana.
03-26-2016, 08:43 PM
I do not know if there is a queen or not, but if she wants to be in charge she can run for mayor.
03-26-2016, 08:53 PM
When I saw everyone frantically pinning notes to the boards I will admit, I was excited. Town discussion, communication, finally something worth seeing.
And my eyes met ink, and I was disgusted. Is this what we've sunk to? Shouting for unity while slinging mud at one another? I thought we were better than this. I thought this would be a new and beautiful start for our town. But instead, we choose to stand divided by lines that we choose to create ourselves. Caravaners, awakened, this side, that side. The dirty secret here brothers and sisters is that there are truly only two sides in this world. Us. And them. We live on the edge of nowhere, in a world most of us barely understand. The caravners, can you honestly say that you can navigate through this treacherous world safely and still hold on to the precious few freedoms you claim in this town? The awoken, is this what you will make of your great sacrifice, to act as children crying out because life didn't go your way? We have to pull together to keep this ship afloat. Yes, it is true all those years ago, when we were at the edge of the abyss, absolute nothingness, a great void wanting to swallow us up, I was made leader with no votes. Why? Because our former Mayor had left us, abandoned us to the fate of the world, leaving us to suffer and die. I stood and chose to lead not because I wanted to, but because the people i lived with begged for leadership, and I stood and obliged. I had opportunities to leave, I could have left this world to rot and never looked back. Yet I chained myself here and stood, with my brothers, my sisters, my friends, and my enemies to push back what tried to take our lives. I awoke with my wife missing, without a trace, and a cave of people desperately looking for answers. I gave what I could. I brought them to a town with no memories, no knowledge, and no leadership, and gave what I could. To suggest I usurped power is absurd. I put my life on the line to ensure that we all have a safe place to live. I sacrificed everything so you, and I could have a home that we share. I'm not looking to rule this town with an iron fist, to those of you who did not see what this town was like before the change, need I remind you what leadership was before me? A shrouded council of the town's elite playing games with our free will, with our lives, and we didn't even know why. I would love to exist in a time where such freedom, such knowledge could be taken for granted. I stood, and made no demands of you, I asked what your will was, and saw to it that it was enacted. When you demanded certain actions done, I ensured it, at risk to my own life. I asked Umbral that whatever punishment he saw fit, would fall on my head and mine alone. I stood for the people of this town, not because of a lust for power, but because I wanted us to flourish. I have kept no secrets from you, I have made no threats. We are a small fish, in a very large ocean, and we have many difficult roads ahead of us. We will have people that we need to answer to, we will have sacrifices that we need to make, we will have choices that not one person can make. The plans and ideas I have tried to set in motion are not to ensure my place as Mayor, it's to ensure that when I am gone this town won't die trying to look for direction. I will finish on this. I believe, that we should take this year, this gift to us and utilize it by learning who we are, learning to work together, and learning the world we live in, and at the end, elect a leader that we see fit. If we rush things simply because we haven't had a vote and desire one, then we can rush to our graves. The job I carry, that I have carried is not easy, it is not rewarding, it is thankless and cruel. The leaders after me may not act in the same manner as myself, they may not care what you each have to say as I do, they may not listen, they may lead with "by my sword I rule" And if that is who you choose to elect, then so be it. But for now, we should learn, and make a move, not move and hope for the best. But perhaps making the same mistakes from the past is your will. I have said my piece on this subject, and I will discuss with the powers that be punishments of those who have slandered here this day. If there are any questions, send me a letter. These posting hurt too much to dwell on.
03-26-2016, 09:05 PM
Well, if you believe that you are the best candidate for the job, then come and run in the election this moon.
03-26-2016, 09:45 PM
I think an election is needed to create unity. we should have one next moon.
03-26-2016, 09:55 PM
We woke to a strange new world. we met people who became our friends. darkmoon acted as a leader when one was needed. however he was not chosen by anyone. we need a leader. we will choose one. an election will give a true leader. this needs to be done.
03-26-2016, 10:03 PM
Sure it absolutely does. However this is rushed and will no doubt lead to a decision we may all regret. How can we be expected to make such an important decision when we dont really know each other. Like i said let those who wish to be leader step forward and allow us to get to know them this moon then vote immediatly when the fall gathering commences. Rushing does no one good especially when we dont know the temperments of those who wish to lead.
03-26-2016, 10:57 PM
We need a leader. we need an election. dont like it? dont vote.
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