KB Commissions
Also can the platypus be on both sides
Sure! Yes it can be but the price will be extra due to double detail wood burning. Normal price is $5.00 for 1 with text on the back (optional) so I'm going to say $8.00 if that's cool with you Smile
Sounds good yay platypus
@Jay, thanks for the reply and yes that's exactly what I was thinking when I decided to make these, offering another way someone could show support to their deity. Smile
Hey everyone! Here for your viewing pleasure are the Animal Totems, wood burned and ready for painting! I am now taking orders for next game so sent me a message or reply here if you would like one. I do take special requests as well as Light, Gray, and Dark have no preference of animals (official animal totems of the other deities should be avoided for these three).

[url=[Image: IMAG0404_zps2485ccd0.jpg]]Animal Totems[/url]
Knight Blades Staff

“Did you read the rulebook?”
Thanks Jay!!! Smile
Last call for special orders for holy symbols etc... Here is the newest costum I've done. I will take orders no later than Tuesday before KB. Thanks guys for all your support so far!!!

Photobucket messed up the colors for some reason... looks kinda green here but I assure you, it's white, gray, black, and gold Smile

[Image: EgyptianKarmaSymbolFB_zpsfb3ec5da.jpg]
I'll have the rest the animal totems painted and photographed (with better lighting-no blurs) tomorrow but in the mean time here are the dark deities animals Big Grin

[Image: _MG_13692_zps7c24a307-1.jpg]
OK, as promised, the Animal Totems all finished Smile I have had several special orders so remember, Tuesday before KB is the last day I will take special orders for that event. Enoy!!!

[Image: IMG_1385_zps1e763b5f.jpg]

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