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Conversion and Creation of Characters
So if i wanted to roll a new character and retire my old character would said new character get only the 40% retirement cp or would they get the 40% and the additional conversion as well? So if i have a 530 cp character would my new character after retiring get 212 cp (40%) or would they get 212 cp(40%)+ 175 cp(the conversion cp)
So by any chance for those of us that have no idea what our total cp was during UC (me) will you guys have those records available when we all do our get together for character creating?
(01-27-2016, 11:27 PM)Davis Wrote: Sure , Emma, why don't we get together at Chloe's house on Feb 6th, I'll help you convert your character then.


jk, but reading this earlier this morning that was my face
[Image: Wat-Meme-Old-Lady-01.jpg]


(thats a work file xD)
So, correct me if I'm wrong
But we're taking up all of the CP from KBU, regardless of where it came from (retirement, build, saved cp) and then applying it to the conversion chart for our characters in KBA.
So generally every character is going to be somewhere between 50cp-195cp
And there's 5 possible MP points to get based on the criteria
Makes sense
do we still have are unspent cp?
So question i npcd 2 events for kb last year and 1 for cro what would i get for cp from those because math is not happening currently.
I think this is a great way to convert the characters without completely screwing the old or new players. it's kinda like a reset, but still gives the players a chance to keep the characters they have, without them being overpowered in a new game, with new people. I like it. so far. Smile
Hi Everybody! I'm going to take one question at a time and then post the answers. I ask you all to refrain from posting until I am done. I will let you know when that is. I don't want to lock the board to handle this, I want to give you all acurate information in an ordely and concise manner. Stick with me kids, this may take some time, I just got in from work, but I will answer/comment on every post prior to this one tonight!
(01-28-2016, 12:04 AM)Minister Wrote: okay. so Mannon and minister were retired. i got 130 in total from them. Would this be affected or no since im creating a new character?

Normaly, you'd only get the retirement CP of one character to build your new character from. However, I do not want to say this is the final answer. There is a Staff meeting tomorrow, and I will post an official answer after we discuss it.

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