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But You are right. I apologize. We shouldn't seperate brewing and the other arts.
in reality all i want to be is a gatherer, witch i feel would be useful to all guilds and possibly benefit the town.
It most certainly will and we appreciate it.

Also I want to state that things are going to be rocky for the first few gatherings. If we write something take it only as a suggestion, nothing is going to be set in stone on anything for long while.
Could you make your weapons and armor in a liquid form?
That's called smelting!
Swonderful. Crafting and the various arts thereof would benefit from both a collective grouping to bolster our numbers as well as smaller groups, ie we apothecarists, etc. in order to not bore each other with specifics of our specialties.
I'll help where helps due friend.
As will I as I can craft and brew many things.

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