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Town Council
Hello again Brothers and Sisters, Friends and Neighbors.
A lot has been happening in town lately, heavy discussions and long talks about what direction we will all walk together as a community.

If I may bring our attention to something very important, as some of us have been discussing again, the Town Council.
Many of us obviously know that we don't want to blindly follow one leader to whatever ends they demand us to chase. We are a diverse town with many wants and needs, but we stand side by side to defend our home because that's just what it is. Home.

My preposed plan for the Council stands as such
-Magistrate, who will act as our judge
-2 Marshals, who will act as our law enforcement
-Mage's Guild Leader
-Cleric's Guild Leader
-Town Scribe
-Merchant Cartel Leader
-2 Open Seats

A council of 10 individuals picked from the town, all with a clear distinct job to do.
Those looking to run for mayor during our next election should be interested in joining, to demonstrate their capabilities as a ruling body.

In my experience in this town, and the learned experience from those I have lived with, these jobs are necessary to keep our ship afloat.
And each group, each guild, having their own separate hierarchy we shouldn't have a problem getting everyone's voice heard and solving whatever problems need be approached.

Now I have most of these positions filled with Townsfolk that have been interested in this, but there are still spots open.
Please, if you have an idea to improve the Council or think someone may be interested in a seat, send me a courier, we need to focus our efforts on making this work.
I can think of no better way to strengthen us, then by giving us an effective governing body.

We have a lot of work for our new Home, a lot of important decisions to make, and we need to make them together.
I look forward to hearing from all of you soon, stay safe.
what positions have been filled already?
Well I don't expect to be part of the council, but let me know if I can help in any way. Always know people that even if you're not part of the council you can both help them and the town. I feel those ways will come about as we explore this matter more, but this sounds like a good plan to me.
Our next Gathering is approaching us rapidly, many of us who have traveled will be returning, and even some newcomers may be joining us.
With that being said I've been working tirelessly to work on the business that needs to be done here in Town.

Many of you have sent me letters about the Town Council, about the positions, the purpose, how permanent a structure like that would be, why such a thing should or would exist. I've done my best to answer all of you personally, but the spread of information can be difficult without a public forum.
So I shall do my best to clarify things here.

We are unsure of our place in the world, we are a small fish in a large ocean. This makes me hesitant to create permanent structures, many of us are still learning who we are, along with those we live with. The Town Council is a perfect way to create a temporary form of leadership for all of us, and have all of our voices heard. In time, we can start figuring out more permanent structures.
We cannot be ruled by prideful madmen, tyrants, or those looking to buy us like slaves. Until we know more, we have to work together as best we can.

Townsfolk have been speaking to me about the jobs in town, and the seats on the Council, asking for the positions themselves, or recommending others. I am unsure what the final list will look like, but i shall list who the potential candidates are.



Mages Guild Leader

Cleric's Guild Leader

Town Scribe

Merchant Cartel Leader

Open Seats

Now this is just what has been relayed to me.
None of these are final, I will not be sure who should represent us unless people can express their thoughts to me.
So I look forward to receiving letters about this.
I'm sure there will be questions and concerns, and again I look forward to helping us all with this. Please, don't be shy about sending me letters.

I ask however, to keep postings here, and on the boards in general, polite and concise.

I hope this has helped. Stay Safe.
With Nexus as my guide, I will uphold the position of Magistrate to the best of my ability. Thank you for this opportunity.
If anyone has any questions, please send me a letter, or approach me personally.
I call Master of the forge!
I'm honored my friend. Thank you for this opportunity.
Thank you for the position and i promise to do my best for the town.
Just so others may not get confused. If you actually read Captain Darkmoon's note thoroughly it states that this is not a finalized list. It is a list of candidates.
Also, on top of Aster's post, Darkmoon is making suggestions. He does not nor does anyone else single handedly have the ability to grant people positions. I imagine this will be followed by some sort of vote, and then if the majority of people in town believe they can trust you with a position, and that it's the right time to make these decisions, then you may have an organized job. I just hope these suggestions were made with the most amount of input and information possible. I see no tally or anything of the would be wise to talk more on this once we are gathered.


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