04-20-2016, 10:19 PM
Starting an impromptu government is difficult process for all involved, but it is something that should be done none the less, for the benefit of all involved. To ensure safety and community, to show that we are not just a band of looters and strangers in the ruins of some old place.
I have spoken at length with the Marshals and the Magistrate about creating a system of law and punishment here in our new home, as temporary as it may be.
Mog sent me several letters sparking this conversation, he was instrumental in it's creation. Raynor and Fane helped greatly in this process as well, this couldn't have been done without them.
Abet: The encouragement or assistance to someone to commit a crime.
Assassination: Assaulting someone and killing them, usually in secret.
Assault: Physically, or Magically, inflicting harm on another person.
Attempt: Trying to commit a crime, and failing.
Bribery: Offering a person, usually a Town Official, payment in the form of Gold, Silver, Magical Items, Goods, Favors, and similar such things in order to gain power, commit a crime, ignore a crime that's been committed, or other such illegal activities.
Cheating: Acting dishonorably, Dishonestly, or generally Unfairly in order to gain an advantage in a situation, typically a game but can apply to business deals, honor duels, and lawful trials.
Conspiracy: A plot or scheme to commit a crime, usually done by a group of people in secret.
Deceiving a Town Official: Lying, Cheating, Forging Documents, Hiding the Truth, and other related attempts to Trick or Fool a Town Official into believing Lies and Falsehoods.
Forgery: The act of creating False Documents or False Signatures.
Kidnapping: Capturing or moving someone without lawful consent, also can include holding an innocent person against their will. Usually done to obtain a sum of money in exchange for the victim.
Inciting Unrest: Posting on the Town Boards with the intent to create chaos and anarchy, Manipulation of peoples to create riots or unlawful acts, spreading lies and harmful rumors. Usually done with no evidence or merit, or with the intent to create trouble.
Murder: Killing someone Unlawfully.
Obstructing of Justice: Threatening Witnesses of a Crime, Hiding or Destroying Information, Hiding or Destroying Evidence.
Resisting Arrest: Fleeing from Marshals or other Town Officials, Physically or Magically fighting any attempt to be brought to trial, not complying with Town Officials in such situations.
Slavery: Owning a person, or persons, as if they were property, or as less than a standard Citizen. Usually done against their will. This can also include the use of certain magical spells such as Charm.
Tax Evasion: The Illegal Nonpayment, or Underpayment of taxes. Can also include forging businesses' book keeping, or Guild's membership.
Theft: Taking, Stealing, Selling, Borrowing, Moving, or Hiding of property that doesn't belong to you without permission of the owner.
Unsanctioned Worship of Dark Gods: The Praise or use of Divine Favor from Dark, or the Undergods associated with Dark without written permission from the Town Council and the Mayor.
Unsanctioned Practice of Forbidden Magics: The Casting, Study, Scroll Making, Distribution, or other related activities, of the more Dangerous and Taboo schools of Magic, including Chaos Magic, Blood Magic, and Necromancy, without written permission from the Town Council and the Mayor.
Vandalism: Intentionally Destroying or Damaging another person's Property.
This is the Beginning of something that we should all be thinking about, a standard of living that is safe, and moral, for all of us. Clear. Fair. Honest.
These laws are meant to protect, not inhibit.
These laws may change in time, due to the will of the people, but they will allow us to have something to work with. They will be enforced to their fullest by every Town Official, I also suggest keeping a copy of this posting on you at all times to ensure fair play all around.
As for Punishments, Typically all punishments shall begin at 5 Gold, but may increase depending on the severity of a crime.
in some extreme cases the fine of 1 or more Death Tokens, or a Public Execution may be enforced, although I hope it doesn't come down to it.
In most cases the accused will be tried by the Town Council, fairly and openly. There will be a clear Record of all Trials.
All Fines will be placed into the Town Coffers to be put to use for the good of the town as a whole.
I hope this has been informative and helpful, as always I am here to answer all questions regarding this topic, feel free to post politely or send me a letter.
I have spoken at length with the Marshals and the Magistrate about creating a system of law and punishment here in our new home, as temporary as it may be.
Mog sent me several letters sparking this conversation, he was instrumental in it's creation. Raynor and Fane helped greatly in this process as well, this couldn't have been done without them.
Abet: The encouragement or assistance to someone to commit a crime.
Assassination: Assaulting someone and killing them, usually in secret.
Assault: Physically, or Magically, inflicting harm on another person.
Attempt: Trying to commit a crime, and failing.
Bribery: Offering a person, usually a Town Official, payment in the form of Gold, Silver, Magical Items, Goods, Favors, and similar such things in order to gain power, commit a crime, ignore a crime that's been committed, or other such illegal activities.
Cheating: Acting dishonorably, Dishonestly, or generally Unfairly in order to gain an advantage in a situation, typically a game but can apply to business deals, honor duels, and lawful trials.
Conspiracy: A plot or scheme to commit a crime, usually done by a group of people in secret.
Deceiving a Town Official: Lying, Cheating, Forging Documents, Hiding the Truth, and other related attempts to Trick or Fool a Town Official into believing Lies and Falsehoods.
Forgery: The act of creating False Documents or False Signatures.
Kidnapping: Capturing or moving someone without lawful consent, also can include holding an innocent person against their will. Usually done to obtain a sum of money in exchange for the victim.
Inciting Unrest: Posting on the Town Boards with the intent to create chaos and anarchy, Manipulation of peoples to create riots or unlawful acts, spreading lies and harmful rumors. Usually done with no evidence or merit, or with the intent to create trouble.
Murder: Killing someone Unlawfully.
Obstructing of Justice: Threatening Witnesses of a Crime, Hiding or Destroying Information, Hiding or Destroying Evidence.
Resisting Arrest: Fleeing from Marshals or other Town Officials, Physically or Magically fighting any attempt to be brought to trial, not complying with Town Officials in such situations.
Slavery: Owning a person, or persons, as if they were property, or as less than a standard Citizen. Usually done against their will. This can also include the use of certain magical spells such as Charm.
Tax Evasion: The Illegal Nonpayment, or Underpayment of taxes. Can also include forging businesses' book keeping, or Guild's membership.
Theft: Taking, Stealing, Selling, Borrowing, Moving, or Hiding of property that doesn't belong to you without permission of the owner.
Unsanctioned Worship of Dark Gods: The Praise or use of Divine Favor from Dark, or the Undergods associated with Dark without written permission from the Town Council and the Mayor.
Unsanctioned Practice of Forbidden Magics: The Casting, Study, Scroll Making, Distribution, or other related activities, of the more Dangerous and Taboo schools of Magic, including Chaos Magic, Blood Magic, and Necromancy, without written permission from the Town Council and the Mayor.
Vandalism: Intentionally Destroying or Damaging another person's Property.
This is the Beginning of something that we should all be thinking about, a standard of living that is safe, and moral, for all of us. Clear. Fair. Honest.
These laws are meant to protect, not inhibit.
These laws may change in time, due to the will of the people, but they will allow us to have something to work with. They will be enforced to their fullest by every Town Official, I also suggest keeping a copy of this posting on you at all times to ensure fair play all around.
As for Punishments, Typically all punishments shall begin at 5 Gold, but may increase depending on the severity of a crime.
in some extreme cases the fine of 1 or more Death Tokens, or a Public Execution may be enforced, although I hope it doesn't come down to it.
In most cases the accused will be tried by the Town Council, fairly and openly. There will be a clear Record of all Trials.
All Fines will be placed into the Town Coffers to be put to use for the good of the town as a whole.
I hope this has been informative and helpful, as always I am here to answer all questions regarding this topic, feel free to post politely or send me a letter.