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My decision
Well some of you know that I was the one who started the decision to start the vote of no confidence in Aster. However when i brought it to the council i lied for my reasons in doing so. I told them it was due to her lackluster leadership and such. However that couldnt be further from the truth. I did this because darkwood has mentioned to me numerous times that the best way to deal with aster would be killing her permanently. I was a coward and rather than man up and stand up to him i decided removing her from the council was the best way to prevent her death and maybe if she wasnt the head of the council darkwood would back off. This issue has been tearing me apart and i say this now as a way to apologize to both the town and my guild for failing in my duties.
Hm. Quite a bit of deception surrounding Daystar. Even accusing others in town of lying and manipulating.
Forcing others into motion with threats of violence. 
What a curious development.
Makes one believe that their numbers on the town council were set to sabatoge, instead of help. Would explain the lack of information flowing. The amount of bickering, the infighting, and this situation.
Sounds like quite a bit of Clandestine work, stirring up chaos, could explain the accusations.

But as lazarus said, we should fall in line with this, so they can fix the problems they created.
And I'm the villain. Hah.
I have kept my mouth shut long enough.
Someone please explain to me how a follower of a God of the Pathos of Light can justify the threat of permanent death to an elected town official because they don't like that they were voted in? How would any god of light see this is in anyway good or just? Was she wicked? Not that I am aware of. Would it be righteous revenge? It would certainty be revenge but righteous? No. Was she an evil fugitive? Nope. 
Anyone in the Pathos of Light wish to enlighten this follower of the Grey?
Perhaps what appears as light, may be something darker.
But hey, what do I know? Why listen to the rock monster?
Considering a majority, if not all, of the bickering and sabotage came from you Darkmoon I would ascertain that to be a lie. As for what ellywick is saying I have no knowledge of this. Do explain further ellywick if you can.
Why should he speak of it to you Raynor? You are not Magistrate . YOU do not hold any political position in town . You can not help in this situation.
I agree with Raynor on this.
The rest of this thread is silly.
Elywick, I assume you have some kind of motivation to have made this post, although I can not see what that would be, other than to get me more involved in the town than I want to be.
If that's your motivation, it will not work.
I see no reason to risk my life or try to help people who mean less to me than my last breakfast did.
I'm sure Jan and Aster can deal with this mess.

As far as people being mad at me, or Darkmoon swearing to kill me, it means nothing to me.
So unless you fools continue to endanger my friends or family, as in the case of ransom trial, I would prefer to not bother with most of you, or be bothered by most of you.
What I don't think anyone seems to understand is Darkwood says these things but has he ever done them? Do we put words above actions? We shouldnt I guess but it seems words have so much power in this town.

Now me and Darkwood have been at odds before and he is not the most flowery of speakers. But he says what he says to get your attention to try and shock you out of what he thinks is prime stupidity, doing things otherwise has lost himself allies and friends from what I've heard.   He's trying to tell you please act and fix things while you have the chance. Or I WILL have to act under my code and God and I do it the most effective way possible.  Sometime the most effective way is not the most peaceful of ways.   He's a Paladin of NEMESIS. He must be strong and firm in all things.

Also to take note. That when Jan decided to not do what Darkwood said he listened. Take that into consideration.
Collin Darkwood, I except your resignation of possible leader of the town.

in that resignation am I to believe you will loose your interest in the politics??

That IS what you are saying right?
Ellywick I know you haven been going through some trying times and I'd just like to put it out there that I do have much faith in you. So if this is what you are saying, then I will believe it to be true. I have felt that people are pushing the council apart more so than trying to help it organize the town. In the name of peace, I ask people to be calm and patient with one another. People need to start putting some actual faith in each other if we are going to make this town into what we hope it to be.
I know tensions are high and people are not willing to put their trust into each other right now. However, if we don't try to have a little faith in each other, to actually believe our fellow townsfolk are capable of bringing this town together, then we will not get far in our efforts. These upcoming gatherings will definitely be trying on all of us, but if we hold strong as an actual community, no insults, no violence, no hate we will succeed at this I assure everyone.
I know my words sound as ramblings to most and this will most likely be overlooked, but at least take a moment and think to yourself, what do I want from here? And do you want to be there when we can officially call this town home for all of us?

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