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Political Runnings
I have heard whisper of people seeking support for leadership of the town, as have I been contacted to such an end.

I question now where and when this support is meant to be declared for I see no formal process set and dispise the idea of such drastic conequences being desided in secret amoung the priveled few.

I would in turn suggest that if a election or a vote is to be held it should be done not during the dweiry tired hours of the first night of the coming moon but during the daylight hours, perhaps pre or even superseding the festivities when all are in more kind spirits and readily able to witness and speak to the effect of such a drastic event as the crowning of a new town master.
This town isn't ready for a leader.
I potty the poor sap who is willing to try it.
Funny misprint though.
Interesting I have only heard of one person seeking approval. Does this mean you wish to oppose them? If so don't you believe it wise to share your views and qualifications with us.
I am in agreement with darkmoon, the town needs to be with less haste on this matter. Take time to develop a more full and accurate perception.

I as the head of mu Order will continue to pursue leadership, however we will not push to see it so any sooner than is nessiaryand effective as an empty title of a claim to those divided is without value.

I will, however, upon request make our agenda publicly avalible.
The the head of my order, we pursue*
I was planning of announcing this the first night, so that discussions can be held face to face, but I suppose that I must come forward at this point.

I, Feliks Grundwal, have been speaking to this town on obtaining the right to lead us forward. We have had a rough past year, with memories being amiss, new challenges being presented, and grief for lost comrades has put us all in a rough shape. I aim to fix this. I aim to help the town thrive, the guilds plentiful and researching ways to help us move forward, setting our differences aside between the sleepers and the local citizens. I have been hard at work to contact the individual members of this town and talk to them about this, and have gained much support. If you will have me as leader, I will fight for each and everyone of you to make sure your lives in Rowans Crossing can be safe, fruitful, and worth remembering.

As for the laws, positions of responsibility in town, and the Council of Guilds I would like to save for the day we can speak face to face. Parchment can often be misunderstood.

Feliks Grundwal
Barkeep of the Lazy Fox.
Leader of Boar Clan.
Warden to the Mistress of House Nightshadow. 
"Always charge, show no fear, and protect those who are dear."
These posts are way too long.
And so I wrote this song.
To let you know you're wrong.
Please stop.
Ya know id really like to point out that everyone can see what goes on these boards. Including moderately intelligent goblins. So maybe we shouldnt post politics and such on them. Just saying. Also darkmoon your song was beautiful i almost cried.

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