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For your eyes only
To all who may or may not be aware, the tavern may belong to Umbral but I run the Boars Head bar and we serve more than just drinks.

If you are looking to sell armor, weapons, components, gems or whatever you desire, we are willing to trade. That also goes for buying. We have a generous stock of items for sale should anyone be interested. Fenrir, I wish you luck in your endeavors. If you can't find any potential buyers, I would be interested in seeing your wares and helping you make some gold off of it.

Feliks Grundwal
Barkeep of the Lazy Fox.
Leader of Boar Clan.
Warden to the Mistress of House Nightshadow. 
"Always charge, show no fear, and protect those who are dear."
if the merchants undercutting each other starts to hurt the town. There will be a merchants guild to "help" merchants work together
Interesting announcement. I did not know Felix offered other services. May i ask as to why the sudden interest Fenrir. I mean no disrespect but you do not strike me as a merchant. Your attitude is rather brisk when compared to the light air Felix provides and your temper short compared to darkmoon and scouts patience. Nor do you possess the charisma that porthos has so why decide to encroach on this already treaded path?
Do not let me discourage you for this is not my intent but rather i seek to know the aim of your business for at face value it seems doomed to fail. If you wish to become a merchant you must bring something new to the table. Will you have lower prices than Felix? A broader array of trinkets than scout? A more useful tip jar than darkmoon...What a novel idea! May darkmoon heed that last suggestion.
Fenrir i wish you all the luck in your new business but do not open one so willfully think long and hard on its place among our current market and find a vacancy to allot yourself.

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