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Slay Undead
The Slay Undead skill is in the rule book's skill chart, but isn't clarified within the skill explanations underneath. Could this skill just be elaborated on, please? 
Is the call just "Slay Undead"?
Is the damage 25 just as a regular slay is?
It can't be reduced by undead?
I think some undead can reduce it.
The call is slay undead and it's 25 points.
Reviving this

The rule book is missing a description of Slay Undead completely.

Not sure if its something like "Please see Slay for skill description"
I'm curious too, both slay undead and skills from blessed weapons seem to bypass an undead ability to reduce damage.
True, its complete skill description was omitted inadvertently.  But the description and the Out-Of-Game call is in the Combat Calls section.
Slay Undead
This is a variation of the Slay skill.  The attack causes a total of 25 points of damage, but only affects undead creatures.
To use this skill, a Player must call out “Slay Undeadl!” while attempting to strike an opponent’s torso.  The attack must hit the torso in order to be effective.
A miss does not use-up the skill, and the victim must make it known that the torso was not hit.  However, if a strike with this skill misses the target area and instead hits another portion of the opponent’s body, then the impact will still cause one point of damage.
This skill does not bypass points of armor.
No “Critical Hit”, “Greater Critical Hit”, or “Slay” skills are needed to make this skill available.
Knight Blades Staff

“Did you read the rulebook?”
Its additional benefits, if any, must be FOIG'd. Wink
Knight Blades Staff

“Did you read the rulebook?”

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