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With Khan and Cadoc's retirement to persue their duty as parents in their growing family, I wanted to post that the town is going to go back to the old title of Magistrate. The title Justicar is going to retire with Khan and Cadoc.Â
Though title is changing the job is not changing.Â
The job of Magistrate will still be a civil officer or lay judge who administers the law, especially one who conducts a court that deals with minor offenses and holds preliminary hearings for more serious ones.
Iam choosing between 3 candidates for this position.Â
They areÂ
This is a hot topic and one that I cannot make hastily.Â
This thread will be an open forum to hear why I should chose one over the other and for the candidates to say any peace they like on the matter.Â
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With Khan and Cadoc's retirement to persue their duty as parents in their growing family, I wanted to post that the town is going to go back to the old title of Magistrate. The title Justicar is going to retire with Khan and Cadoc.
Though title is changing the job is not changing.
The job of Magistrate will still be a civil officer or lay judge who administers the law, especially one who conducts a court that deals with minor offenses and holds preliminary hearings for more serious ones.
I am choosing between 3 candidates for this position.
They are
This is a hot topic and one that I cannot make hastily.
This thread will be an open forum to hear why I should chose one over the other and for the candidates to say any peace they like on the matter.
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Raynor has expressed interest in running for magistrate
He wouldn't be a bad pick for the job either in my opinion
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Raynor has shown me what he would be like as Magistrate. Taking that into consideration I would not consider him in the running for my Magistrate.
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My thoughts on the candidates.
Rux has a good head on her shoulders, but I do not know what experience she has in such line of work. Maybe this could be a good position to prove herself, but it's also an important role. I am not sold on this nomination, but would be willing to offer a different job around town to gain that trust.
Darkmoon has a lot of experience in a position of political power, an thorough understanding of the laws, and logical thinking to the best of my knowledge. He is a good nominee.
Agathorn, and the Murder, have had a hard time adjusting to the pace of things around here, but I think they are finding their place now. He leads the Murder, holds them accountable to their tenants, and they follow him seemingly without question. As much hesitation as many feel towards putting Agathorn in the position of Magistrate, I believe that this may be a way to prove themselves. I would not be completely opposed to letting him try his hand at Magistrate.
These are my thoughts.
Feliks Grundwal
Barkeep of the Lazy Fox.
Leader of Boar Clan.
Warden to the Mistress of House Nightshadow.Â
"Always charge, show no fear, and protect those who are dear."
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I was apparently nominated, would have been nice to have been told so I could make a case for myself.Â
With that, I see Rux as the only good candidate offered. She has a good head on her shoulders, bit quick to act but who isn't here?Â
Darkmoon seems to occupied on personal matematto handle the law and order of this place, and I am unsure has the moral code to uphold our values against dark worship.Â
Agathorn has made it clear he supports those willing to follow the dark gods and sees no issue with the worship. Which is in my eyes a direct threat and issue to the type of town and life we are trying to establish.
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My regards to dark followers is far more complex than "having no issue with the worship". This would be clearly illustrated if you had read the document I provided to the current leadership. Please do not make gross assumptions.
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As for my case.
My organisation's primary purpose is to aid in the well being of the town, and in effect the world at large. We have an economic system of our own allowing us to generate sizable revenue that shall be used to aid the town. As the magistrate I would have both these economic resources as well as the swift summons of easily identifiable depute resources to aid in the completion of my duties.
I have no desire for material gain, nor prestige, my concern is souly the long term well being of the town, and in effect the world at large. I am willing to go as far as to offer my life to the cause, should my effectiveness as the magistrate be deemed unsatisfactory, I will gladly accept death as a consequence. For above all else, I am a social agent, to be used to the greater benefit of the people.
My convictions are molded upon what it is that will meet this ends of the greater benefit of the people. I am a scholar, secondary. I have studied for many years, both practically, professionally, and academically in the political and sociological arts, as well as the psychological arts. My experience as a leader is notable; my order is well organised and content with an egalitarian means of operation.
I am aware of how I may appear, coming to this town an outsider, a leader of an order already, but I must assure you that I have no interest in power for powers sake; I am interested only in the continued growth and maturation of this town, as is my order. I do not think myself greater than any of you, as I think myself to be only an equal, as are well all, differentiated only in our acting capacity and will.
I ask you to allow me this chance, to prove myself a loyal denizen to this town, to prove myself devout to the laws of this town, to prove myself a patriot of this town; willing to sacrifice all for this town and it's people.
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Agathorn. You have done well to prove none of what you have said so far.
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To ignore whatever criticisms have been posted
A note to say
If I were to be chosen as Magistrate, there would be a need for a new Champion, or... Whatever title the position would inherit
For Lazarus, there would be an opening in the Champion's Hand
For Agathorn, it would mean he wouldn't qualify for Council, so there would be a spot open there
What this effects or changes, I don't know. It is just something to consider