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I agree with Feliks in regards to Rux. I think it would be a good position to let her prove herself. I have seen her fight strongly and belive she deserves a chance.

Darkmoon has been champion for sometime and deserves this more than anyone if this is what he wants. He has proven since he

Agathorn is egar to prove himself in town and this may be his best opportunity to do so.
Sorry I dropped that in a puddle.

I agree with Feliks in regards to Rux. I think it would be a good position to let her prove herself. I have seen her fight strongly and belive she deserves a chance.

Darkmoon has been champion for sometime and deserves this more than anyone if this is what he wants. He has proven since he has awoken.

Agathorn is egar to prove himself in town and this may be his best opportunity to do so.
I'm still surprised some of you seem to think this is a cushy job.
It's not.
Good point Darkwood
It's certainly harder than being Champion...
In my opinion I believe we have a very good bunch of candidates for the job. While I am not all to familiar with Rux she has Feliks's approval and I trust his judgment on the matter. I've known Darkmoon for quite some time and have always believed him to be a good man and definitely someone I would trust in a position of power. As for Agathorn I see a good amount of potential in him and out of all of the candidates I believe this position would allow him to grow the most. With that being said some issues do arise against him which would stop my from giving him my backing outright, the first being his involvement with the murder a group that has talked about separating from the town, if Agathorn were to be elected to the position he would either need to leave his group or have a way to ensure they stay part of the town to avoid a conflict of interest.
Those are just my thoughts, I look forward to hearing all of your cases next gathering.
**a spider scuttles in with a note tied to its little back ***

I nominate Collin Darkwood for the position of Magistrate.

Prove yourself a loyal and good member of the town? Did you not show your loyalty when siding with those that brought is harm? When you refused to fight off attackers of our town? When things didn't seem to go your way so ready to leave and start your own town? 

I may have a temper or short comings that people think would make me a "bad" magistrate, even though I've the training and follow the god of justice. Though I would say this, at least I can look at mistakes of my past and own them, not expect others to over look them because I am so desperate for approval. 

I've read your ideals Agathorn, I disagree with them. Your willingness to put them aside though, to gain even an ounce of power on town. That is what makes me think you are the worst choice for this position.
I won't sit here and write every ill will against candidates, however, I will protest the nomination of Agathorn. This is not a position to put someone in to "grow." If he is going to grow, let him learn alongside an actual Magistrate.

Just last moon he argued against the town, tried to separate, and then decided to send a letter - signed for ALL OF US to the Mask which very much almost led us to further trouble. He suffered greatly in his own group and with our town and is now just starting to rectify that.

This of course excluding everything already mentioned.

I understand his nomination, but find it's ill advised and dangerous.
I would stand by Rux or Lazerous for the position and would see either do well in it. Good fighters with a good sense of responsibility, I'd trust them. And if desired, Agathorn can learn by their example.
Feliks could probably handle this job
Rogun could as well
I nominate both, that expands this discussion
Thank you Darkmoon, but I don't know if the rest of the town shares your sentiment. If they do, then I will fulfill my duty as Magistrate to the best of my abilities.

As for Rogun, I agree with you completely. He's a good nomination for this position. His old age definitely plays a role in the wisdom needed for Magistrate.

Feliks Grundwal
Barkeep of the Lazy Fox.
Leader of Boar Clan.
Warden to the Mistress of House Nightshadow. 
"Always charge, show no fear, and protect those who are dear."

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