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For all your fixins!
Murder is the Illegal cessation of another life
Not unless you have a note!
A line is drawn as to what is and is not murder; this line is the spawn of reification. If everyone agrees it is acceptable to kill a goblin, it is than acceptable to kill a goblin and no longer treated as a criminal act. Individuals can always challenge this set president, and with enough individuals in agreement, suddenly, it is the opinion of the masses and the line is redrawn. If Darkmoon were to declare that goblins should be protected under law, and Colin agreed, and Aster, and myself, and everyone else, than... there is no omnipotent force to the definition of law, it changes. Goblins become protected citizens. Life goes on.

Law does not exist as a force of nature.

Law is not always right, definitions are just sounds we place value upon.
Value is something we create through reinforcement.

I do not expect many instances wherein a sanction can be granted, but, it still can be.

We are a small town. There is no reason to rely upon heuristic actions.
what are holistic actions?
So, I took this as murdering s towns member. Which is where our law comes into place. So the question being, will you say murdering a towns folk is sometimes ok?

Remembering you are the keeper of law and order for this town now. Also that you're to protect it's people from those that would break our laws and do us harm.
Lazerous is just mad cause I tried to smother him once
Ransom, heuristics are default and automatic responces and assumptions. Thoughtless, instinctive.
I’m not really a.. lawful man myself. However, i do agree. For now, after reading this i worry for my back to be impaled by a friend or those who i thought were, with perhaps a consequence of “hey stop that”

People need to feel safe, and murder being tied to a “depending on the situation” bracket makes me relatively not feel safe as a townsmember.
As far as my knowledge aids me, legally their are only two sanctionable situations for the slaying of a towns member. A consentual and honorable duel as approved by town officals, and the carrying out of cultural customs such as the instance involving the drow which was deemed fully legal and honorable, and involved only parties of the known cultural custom; however, in either case, failiure to inform a town offical of intentions and reasonings will result in charges for disturbance of peice.

I will respect honor and customs, is the true moral of this entire discussions; however I will require prior notification to even consider holding no charges.

I do not want to see people acting on their own accord in the name of honors and customs unknown to the rest of the township. Such rash actions decivilise us as a whole and can cause alarm and panic.
Their will never be a situation that I can forsee that someone will be enabled to murder a townsmember or even a guest to the town without both parties express and documented consent and understanding.

On that note, I would also like to note that any guest to the town that comes without weapons drawn will be under the full protection of the law, and under no circumstances can a sanction be made to harm a peaceful guest dispite any custom or code of honor.

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