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Letters of a personal matter ** UPDATED 11/2018
"Whereas sending couriers about The World is quite costly – as well as dangerous – the Couriers Guild must raise delivery costs.   
Beginning in 1519 GR, all messages sent on Continent will cost 1 Gold Piece.  Messages sent into The Underworld will incur a cost of 5 Gold Pieces.  Off-Continent delivery will be 10 Gold Pieces.   
As always, discreet message delivery is guaranteed.  However, the identity of the recipient must be clearly indicated by the sender.  Accurate spelling of the recipient’s full name is important, as is the inclusion of formal titles.  
Couriers Guild Terms & Conditions:
  • The Couriers Guild guarantees discreet message delivery unless the recipient is missing, dead, imprisoned, or otherwise incapable of receiving the message.
  • Responses are not guaranteed, as the recipient may choose not to reply.
  • Responses are not guaranteed to be accurate or factual.  This is also dependent on the recipient.
  • Inadequate naming of the recipient by the sender will result in rejection and destruction of the message with no refund.   


The Online form will only be available for the 5 days following the event.  Then the form will be locked.  You can only send 5 letters.  The link to do all of this, and more, is on the website under the tab "Events".
Dressel - Props and Mischief
First post updated
Dressel - Props and Mischief
Question if we made a mistake and gave them an inadequate amount of money say we give them one gold not knowing our intended recipient is in the underdark or maybe the name turns out to be insufficient to find them of course we would not get our money back but is there any sort of "return to sender" policy just so we know that it failed to send or do we just hope we got it right?
Is there discount if we send a pack of the messages to the Couriers Guild to delivery the pack of messages into same place to The Underworld or Off-Continent?
The Couriers Guild is an IG group. So you gotta FOIG.
Knight Blades Staff

“Did you read the rulebook?”

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