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The Harvest Feastival!
Greetings to one and all! 

          As the end of the year rapidly approaches and Autumn starts to settle in, I would like to invite all to Wayfare to help celebrate a Sylvan holiday called The Autumn Feastival! This event will be held around the Umbral Tavern just off the road into the town. This event will happen on Saturday at Two O' Clock PM! We will start off with games and activities before moving on to the food! 
This holy day is in Celebration of the harvests. On this day we thank Sylvik with blessing the land with fertility. We show our gratitude to not only Sylvik for allowing all things that we use as food to thrive, but to our friends, neighbors and visitors for bringing plates to share amongst all who attend this gathering. This is a day of giving and sharing. This is the time to look back not just on the past year, but also your life and to plan for the future. The Autumn Feastival is a time of rest and celebration, after the hard work that has been done this year both physically and mentally.  
During the festival games will be available for everyone to play! As the weeks draw closer, I will post a list of all games and activities that will be available!
Guests are encouraged to bring appetizers to share with all the guests that attend! Dessert is all set so no sweets please!  (But ask anyway just in case!) I will post a list of all dishes being brought at least two weeks before the feastival in case of any last minute show ups!
I look forward to seeing you all there! Any questions comments or concerns please feel free to either find me or send me a courier. 
(Please Send A PM my way when deciding what to bring so everyone is not bringing the same thing! Also, it would be best if nothing containing the following be in dishes because of people’s allergies: No Nuts, No red dye)
Note: Also! No pumpkin please!
I’ll bring some meat pies. My moms secret recipe. Although I’m not so sure what the secret ingredient is.

Im heading back to town so I will stop by the nearest farm and bring the finest oils and butter!!!! Im sure we can find some use for it ?
I'm coming back to town! I'll bring breads! And if I have ti.e to stop by my favorite bakery perhaps cookies.
I will supply plates, eating utensils and disposal vessels.
From my culture to yours, thank you for your contributions to the pantheon.

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