No Im not talking about Mug shots guys ,
I have a way to personalise glass beer mugs with your chars name.
the first few that I have had done are mugs for
Collin (darkwood)
and a friend of mine from home who goes by Anke.

These are 27 oz heavy glass mugs from the dollar store and then ...well I dont know what happens to them all I know is that including thye mug the whole process costs a GRAND TOTAL of 5 bucks. 1$ for the mug and Ill take care the name(the extra 4 is mostly for gas money to go and get them once finnished^^).They are also dishwasher safe and look really cool ^^. Not bad. Any takers?
And thats not 10 per mug either , I had 5 done for 10 bucks so , do the math here kids.
woah totally count me in
Ill see you at next game then ^^
sorry but I like to be handed cash because this is a family friend that does the lettering , makes it easier for her ^^
hanna Ill have yours by next event
Sure, that sounds neat! I'm in!
And one for mr Durst ^^
If we do character names, we can leave them at the bar with Mr. Durst on our KB weekends and have our own personal mugs!
(12-16-2012, 01:34 PM)Soulof Destronis Wrote: If we do character names, we can leave them at the bar with Mr. Durst on our KB weekends and have our own personal mugs!

Ooo! I want one for Freelik!
Knight Blades Staff

“Did you read the rulebook?”
Done and done ^^

Also I just wanted to let you guys know I wont be even close to breaking even on these , Im not makeing a profit ^^ I just think they are cool and we should all have one lol

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