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treason ?
darkwood, treason, that's what you just said. OR did I miss hear you ? did you say you would kill the mayor and the council, until they don't come back??
What's your point.
What is it your trying to say?
My point or question is " is that treason ?"
High Crimes (Death Punishment)
Pretending to a noble title.
Heresy, being the worship, following, or aiding of any dark god or fiend.
Treason, including the aiding of enemies.
Conspiracy against a Noble or the Kingdom.
Destruction of non-evil Artifacts.
Destruction of Lore.

Low Crimes (fines, loss of property, beating, restitution) - third offense is Death
Disrepect towards a Noble/Mockery of title.
Tax Evasion.
Witholding crucial information or knowledge from the town.
Necromancy, specifically used in aiding undead beings.

The mere attempt of such crimes will be considered as if the crime was successful.

Accusing someone of a crime is a serious matter. If someone is found out to be falsely accusing or bearing false witness (perjury), they will be punished according to the crime they accused someone of.

Accusing a Noble is a serious matter. The accuser must find another Noble to sponsor them or appeal to a higher Noble.

A Trial is normally to be held unless a Noble bears witness to a crime or attempted crime. In this case the Noble may proceed to punishment. A trial consists of Evidence and Witness Testimony, and is at the sole discretion of the Noble presiding.

Honor duels between the accuser and accused are allowed in lieu of a trial, as long as a Noble or designated nominee agrees to terms and bears witness. Champions may be put forth to fight in place of either party. If it is to the Death, then no Life-saving magics or Alchemy may be administered.

-Kale Darkwood

"Keep your friends close and your enemies dead."

According to the "LAWS" written by Kale Darkwood, It could be Treason or a low crime depending on your interpretation of our Mayors title by the majority of the town.
Ok hold on,
I recognize the laws as posted prior to the establishment of Aster's current venture.
I also know there's a lot of work being done within the Council to establish a certain set of their own laws and values.
As of right now it's kind of hard to lay claim to any wrong doing legally when we're all still trying to get settled into whatever positions are elected and required. It should be kept in mind though, of course, what laws have been previously posted here and we should all conduct ourselves, not only according to them, but to the good of ourselves right? So, some folks certainly can get hurt or heated, we all do, heck, the whole town got mad enough to try and burn things down. We kind of all have to work together and try to understand one another, even when we get mad. And boy have some people been mad lately. The way I see it, it's up to Aster to decide if she wishes to pursue the postings. But i personally see it kind of silly, after all, even one of the council stepped in to mildly incite.

Things might have ended up getting a little whacky, but I think we can all still work this through without slinging accusations and punishments out all over. That just makes for a toxic home.
I fail to see how laws you people were against against me, does anything other than make you look like a fool.
What passes for a government in this town, "At least with some people", has no laws, or structure for that matter.
But if you feel that strongly porthose, come try and arrest me.
We are neighbors after all, I'm sure you c And find your way.
Collin, it is so nice of you to conciser me an authority figure. That I should "come try and arrest you " You, me , handcuffs............ this could be a great idea!!!!!.
But it would not be my place to " arrest" you, no matter how much fum it would be.

Or wait........................ "come TRY and arrest me " Are you treating me ?????? for asking you a question ????

You do threaten a lot of people, But we both know that I cant take you. Is that why you feel so free about it??
Golly, I thought we were pals.
You need to relax.
You get worked up to easy.
It's unhealthy .
Whatever god has irony under their domain
Has just become significantly empowered.
I think that would be Halcyon ...I am not sure though

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