04-27-2017, 10:34 PM
This is the letter I promised you all I'd share earlier. Maybe I'll post some other letters I've kept for amusement.
Mr. Khan
As you've requested, here is the notebook that I found. I hope that it can provide some measure of help. Light knows we need it now more than ever. I'm happy to assist in any other fashion before I return to my travels.
The following is Information I've gleaned from the boards. Personal observations are written in parenthesis. I’ve only copied what I’ve considered useful or interesting. There was a great deal of buffoonery that had to be sorted through. But such is my curse I suppose. –Caspero de Vesprin.
• I will admit right off the top that I do not understand most of this conversation. I am a simple man. A humble priest of Nocturna. My advice is paltry, but may be useful. I have seen and actually spoken with the Chosen One of Nocturna. I saw him very late in the night. It was about 4 hours past midnight. Deep in the darkest part of the wood. Then he vanished. It was about a year later when I saw him again, a few leagues from the first location. He actually spoke to me. It was quite obvious that his knowledge of nighttime mysteries was limitless. I hope to meet him again some dark night...
Priest of The Midnight Maiden
• (Mordhause worships Nocturna?)
• Remember that Sir Justin is a member of Swordbranch. We will defend the Common Law of Baronia and Sir Justin's noble title if necessary. And our methods do not usually follow the knightly code of chivalry Sir Justin personally practices. (Interestingly, Swordbranch operates without the king’s oversight, to quote Z “We do things that he doesn’t need to know aboutâ€)
• I heard the only way to permanently kill a werewolf is to kill him in single combat during a full moon. This is the only time that silver is not needed. In fact, the silver weapons heal him. (This may be incorrect, werewolf’s come around so rarely that it’s never been worth the effort to research it)
• There are rites that can destroy a spirit, Mordhaus may know more. Such a skill was sought by Umbral the spirit of chess. With the intent to kill an spirit who’ll take his place.
• Hogan Frozenfingers (probably a dwarf) carries a small variety of alchemical recipes. Typically rare ones.
• It rests in a minute forlorn structure.
It is in a state of flux.
It is not of this plane and yet it is.
Is it truly there? Sometimes.
This potent artifact is definitely worth a second glance.
• red of skin
black of heart
till it is foundÂ
they shant depart (This poem was written in red ink originally)
• I dare not post me name fer feah of deth by fiend!
They'r lookin fer an item. Itsa small un, as far as me kin tell. Smaller than th' pruverbial box fer bred. Made uv metal or wood, not shur witch. These'r th' tings me ovaherd frum dem red faced broots. (Fiends)
As long as evil is vanquished in the most brutal and efficient manner possible, the end justifies the means. To an extent…
• Visit me at the temple. They are working on an unusual Rite that may benefit you in your fight against corruption. Corruption is a difficult foe, as it is hard to pinpoint at times. I prefer a direct fight. When it finally comes down to that, I will gladly assist personally! (Spite writing to Colin Darkwood)
• A man named Reznik claims to be able to teach any skill for a price.
• (There is a priestess of Pheonix named Brinn. As of three moons ago she had “great news concerning the church of Pheonix)
• Who purchased that necromantic device at the last moon? I would like to rent it for a little while. If that is ok with you? –Talics
• Goblins will go up on the hill to the library, and go into a trance.
• (Very old Priests of Clandesta hide their property in difficult to reach places before they die.
Such was the fate of Backbiter, presumably the other relics as well.)
• They say that "he who dwells the squares" grows in strength each passing moon. They know not the reason he exists. Some say that dealing with him can fill ones pockets with gold. They say he's been bested, long ago, and the victor lived long past what any mortal is due. How best to bargain with such a being? Surely every being has a purpose, a want, a need.
The one who learns the reason, will know the true meaning of "POWER UNCHECKED!" (Obviously the chess spirit, how much is he actually willing to chance for a game?)
• I was hunting small game in the woods and loosed my arrow at a rabbit. I missed the creature but not all was a loss. As I retrieved my arrow it had sunk fairly deep into a log on the ground which turned out to be hollow. Inside I discovered a parcel with strange symbols upon it. Attached to the item was a letter which I have instructed my son to put in your tavern. The package contained several glass containers of a black substance I have never seen before. When it was opened there was the most foul smell. I have hidden the items and will hold them until an official of the town can come to retrieve them. My cottage is a few days walk from town and I will send my son again to show you the way. I find my eyes are tired and I haven't been feeling well since the package has been in my care. My son was told to post the letter directly under this. I would explain more but this is all I can muster to write at this time ...
It is true!!! That vile oaf of a man, claiming to be royal has encroached upon our lands. He has sent his poppets and they have repaired the old dead wood boxes. The are coming here in droves and he visits them! I have observed them for as long as I could stand it. I seek your counsel, tell me what to do. I think it would be fairly easy to become a "settler" myself and wreak havoc from within. Or, I could take the time to "introduce" myself to their so called king. I am willing to protect our wood with all I have!!! I have located the vine you sent me for and prepared it as you instructed. I have sent you back some to be sure i did it well. Maybe this could be of use in our situation with these interlopers. Awaiting your command,
• I’ve gots here a mighty powful majick Potion. Ah’m not too sure exactly what she can do, but I know that you can have all the power replaced from castin’ 100 Magic Missile spells! That’s right – one hundred of em! I seen it wid mine own eyes.
• I spied a most unusual thing the other day. It looked like a man, but it had a black circular marking on its forehead of a clearly powerful magical nature. It was obviously very friendly towards a known murderer of infants, with whom the creature was plotting something diabolical.
• *soft deliberate footsteps pacing back and forth-something speaks* "Grrcht! Meenballa grrcht! Damos tou, meenballa grrcht!Awosk denon, Meenballa grrcht! FION,FION, MEENBALLA GRRCHT! *a flash, energy bursting, earth rumbling, hideous laughter*
• He comes from the north with ice in his veins, and battle on the brain. Vengeance being his goal, he lays waste to the faces of his memories, seeking the one that needs kiiling the most.Â
Opposing him, she traverses the world where dreams are created and stored. Wanting to stabilize her world, and all worlds, she manipulates everything and everyone. The time has come to set everything right.
I am the one that will set these two on the road to a final ending. All will know my name, and once given, you will bow to me, or be broken. This is my promise to all who walk in the light.
• A female who was spotted in the forest dressed in what remains of a green gown, but now is nothing more than tatters, was spoken to by a patrol. She goes by the name of MANE and claims to have lost a favorite pet of hers. She says that she lost her cat. If you see this fire-orange colored feline please collect it and deposit it to the town guard. This may prove more difficult than it sounds as this cat is the size of a small horse. You may call the cat by name, VERNAN, that may help.
The All Seeing Eye
• There is an “entity†named Owl who offers guidance to the High Priest of Gray Divinity Greystone.
• S.O.C
• (The leader of the Thieve’s Guild and the Assassin’s Guild is a man named Makrel, very dangerous).
• I heard that them Scorpion fellas is hoarding treasure. A mirror, chalice and statue from the Gorgon's lair. They also got their greedy hands on some gold key. I'm locking up my belongings, and me wife. I suggest everyone else do the same. (Such artifacts are in Kaleo’s possession if I’m not mistaken)
• Duncan Ledoux, Dragon Hunter, Dragon Slayer. Interested in tangible proof of dragons.
• Connection between Tree of Doom and fiends? (Contrary to common misconceptions, touching the Tree of Doom doesn't actually kill you. Taking something from it however can have… unique effects. As I've found out).
• Is it true that the famous merchant Sazzik The Splendid is to visit the village to sell his wares? He has the greatest magic items anyone has ever seen! With the king providing so much gold, this would be a good market for his expensive stuff!
• Bloodwing?
• A unique item of tremendous magical power can be found in the forests surrounding the settlement. It is sort of star shaped, with five or six points.
• If you eat a golden apple, you will live forever!
• Peppers picked just before the first frost are the most potent by far!
• Death Tokens can be counterfeited. This is to suggest that there is nothing intrinsically magical or frankly special about them. They’re wood with a little scythe drawn on it.Â
• There is a huge bull, sorta like a minotaur that has iron scales for skin and whose breath turns people to stone. Then he eats em when they are stone. He lives way out in the farthest edges of the woods and gards a great treasure. (Gorgon)
• he was asking for protection for his 'masters' so they would be able to compleat a cerimony that would have made it possible for them to walk in the daylight
• The dragon’s only weakness is purple (almost certainly a ruse).
• (Mog Moogle’s “accessories†are the product of demon magic. He murdered a child to complete the ritual with the assistance of House Everdark during the earlier days of the town. The thing is an abomination)
• The special forces of the Grand Duchy is called The Grand Faction, it is the main body with many different subgroups those known are “The Gold Sigil,†“The Blood Red Field,†“The Blood Talonâ€
• (The Blood Red Field is the spy branch)
• The Blood Talon are called as much, because they are known to soak their hands in the blood of their fallen enemies as a sign of victory.
• The Grand Duke may force his concubines to bath in blood to maintain their healthy appearance (This might suggest blood magic at work)
• ((IMPORTANT: His name was Crier Andros, he wanted me to steal Colin’s Holy Avenger in return for pre-cataclysm magical items. Too bad the idiot got it stolen before I had a chance. Told me how to contact him. Some sort of entity? Maybe High Priest of Clandesta? Didn’t seem to understand linear time. Talked about the Gods before cataclysm. “Clandesta, Goddess of Forlorn Battle? Phoenix God of Hate?†Must investigate further.))
Grand Duke’s Bloodline:
Grand Duke Baldesarre (920-989)
Married to Silpal Durmark in 940 (died in childbirth to Othene) beget:
• Rikar (940-969)
• Firdorn (941-963) disappeared, presumed dead in (973)
• D’aak (943-985)
• Othene (946)
Married to Amarisa Tithan in 946
Died under unusual circumstances 5 months and 5 days after the wedding ceremony
Married to Rythan of DePendus in 948 (age 19) beget:
• Eckhard (950-987)
• Silko (953-987) Twin of Yakashpira
• Yakashpira (953-956) Twin of Silko
• Frodrick (958-989)
• Senira (949)
• Justahl (955)
Rythan was sent away in (961) and died 4 years later (965) in obscurity. Her remains were return to the Grand Duke and put in the Royal Tomb. It is unknown why.
Married to Asada Orin in (961) beget:
• Peitar (957-987) a bastard as Baldassare was married to Rythan at the time.
• Bedic (962-989)
• Justalyne (964)
• Zena (970)
• Ruken (972)
Timeline of Births
• Rikar (940-969)
• Firdorn (941-963) disappeared, presumed dead in (973)
• D’aak (943-985)
• Othene (946)
• Senira (949)
• Eckhard (950-987)
• Justahl (955)
• Silko (953-987) Twin of Yakashpira
• Yakashpira (953-956) Twin of Silko
• Peitar (957-987) a bastard as Baldassare was married to Rythan at the time.
• Frodrick (958-989)
• Bedic (962-989)
• Justalyne (964)
• Zena (970)
• Ruken (972)
Timeline of Deaths
• Yakashpira (953-956) Twin of Silko Age 3
• Rikar (940-969) Age 29
• Firdorn (941-963) disappeared, presumed dead in (973) Age 22 disappeared, Age 32 “diedâ€
• D’aak (943-985) Age 42
• Eckhard (950-987) Age 37
• Silko (953-987) Twin of Yakashpira Age 34
• Peitar (957-987) a bastard as Baldassare was married to Rythan at the time. Age 30
• Bedic (962-989) Age 27
• Frodrick (958-989) Age 31
(Obviously some sort of pattern. Firdorn at the center. Is he even dead?)
Mr. Khan
As you've requested, here is the notebook that I found. I hope that it can provide some measure of help. Light knows we need it now more than ever. I'm happy to assist in any other fashion before I return to my travels.
The following is Information I've gleaned from the boards. Personal observations are written in parenthesis. I’ve only copied what I’ve considered useful or interesting. There was a great deal of buffoonery that had to be sorted through. But such is my curse I suppose. –Caspero de Vesprin.
• I will admit right off the top that I do not understand most of this conversation. I am a simple man. A humble priest of Nocturna. My advice is paltry, but may be useful. I have seen and actually spoken with the Chosen One of Nocturna. I saw him very late in the night. It was about 4 hours past midnight. Deep in the darkest part of the wood. Then he vanished. It was about a year later when I saw him again, a few leagues from the first location. He actually spoke to me. It was quite obvious that his knowledge of nighttime mysteries was limitless. I hope to meet him again some dark night...
Priest of The Midnight Maiden
• (Mordhause worships Nocturna?)
• Remember that Sir Justin is a member of Swordbranch. We will defend the Common Law of Baronia and Sir Justin's noble title if necessary. And our methods do not usually follow the knightly code of chivalry Sir Justin personally practices. (Interestingly, Swordbranch operates without the king’s oversight, to quote Z “We do things that he doesn’t need to know aboutâ€)
• I heard the only way to permanently kill a werewolf is to kill him in single combat during a full moon. This is the only time that silver is not needed. In fact, the silver weapons heal him. (This may be incorrect, werewolf’s come around so rarely that it’s never been worth the effort to research it)
• There are rites that can destroy a spirit, Mordhaus may know more. Such a skill was sought by Umbral the spirit of chess. With the intent to kill an spirit who’ll take his place.
• Hogan Frozenfingers (probably a dwarf) carries a small variety of alchemical recipes. Typically rare ones.
• It rests in a minute forlorn structure.
It is in a state of flux.
It is not of this plane and yet it is.
Is it truly there? Sometimes.
This potent artifact is definitely worth a second glance.
• red of skin
black of heart
till it is foundÂ
they shant depart (This poem was written in red ink originally)
• I dare not post me name fer feah of deth by fiend!
They'r lookin fer an item. Itsa small un, as far as me kin tell. Smaller than th' pruverbial box fer bred. Made uv metal or wood, not shur witch. These'r th' tings me ovaherd frum dem red faced broots. (Fiends)
As long as evil is vanquished in the most brutal and efficient manner possible, the end justifies the means. To an extent…
• Visit me at the temple. They are working on an unusual Rite that may benefit you in your fight against corruption. Corruption is a difficult foe, as it is hard to pinpoint at times. I prefer a direct fight. When it finally comes down to that, I will gladly assist personally! (Spite writing to Colin Darkwood)
• A man named Reznik claims to be able to teach any skill for a price.
• (There is a priestess of Pheonix named Brinn. As of three moons ago she had “great news concerning the church of Pheonix)
• Who purchased that necromantic device at the last moon? I would like to rent it for a little while. If that is ok with you? –Talics
• Goblins will go up on the hill to the library, and go into a trance.
• (Very old Priests of Clandesta hide their property in difficult to reach places before they die.
Such was the fate of Backbiter, presumably the other relics as well.)
• They say that "he who dwells the squares" grows in strength each passing moon. They know not the reason he exists. Some say that dealing with him can fill ones pockets with gold. They say he's been bested, long ago, and the victor lived long past what any mortal is due. How best to bargain with such a being? Surely every being has a purpose, a want, a need.
The one who learns the reason, will know the true meaning of "POWER UNCHECKED!" (Obviously the chess spirit, how much is he actually willing to chance for a game?)
• I was hunting small game in the woods and loosed my arrow at a rabbit. I missed the creature but not all was a loss. As I retrieved my arrow it had sunk fairly deep into a log on the ground which turned out to be hollow. Inside I discovered a parcel with strange symbols upon it. Attached to the item was a letter which I have instructed my son to put in your tavern. The package contained several glass containers of a black substance I have never seen before. When it was opened there was the most foul smell. I have hidden the items and will hold them until an official of the town can come to retrieve them. My cottage is a few days walk from town and I will send my son again to show you the way. I find my eyes are tired and I haven't been feeling well since the package has been in my care. My son was told to post the letter directly under this. I would explain more but this is all I can muster to write at this time ...
It is true!!! That vile oaf of a man, claiming to be royal has encroached upon our lands. He has sent his poppets and they have repaired the old dead wood boxes. The are coming here in droves and he visits them! I have observed them for as long as I could stand it. I seek your counsel, tell me what to do. I think it would be fairly easy to become a "settler" myself and wreak havoc from within. Or, I could take the time to "introduce" myself to their so called king. I am willing to protect our wood with all I have!!! I have located the vine you sent me for and prepared it as you instructed. I have sent you back some to be sure i did it well. Maybe this could be of use in our situation with these interlopers. Awaiting your command,
• I’ve gots here a mighty powful majick Potion. Ah’m not too sure exactly what she can do, but I know that you can have all the power replaced from castin’ 100 Magic Missile spells! That’s right – one hundred of em! I seen it wid mine own eyes.
• I spied a most unusual thing the other day. It looked like a man, but it had a black circular marking on its forehead of a clearly powerful magical nature. It was obviously very friendly towards a known murderer of infants, with whom the creature was plotting something diabolical.
• *soft deliberate footsteps pacing back and forth-something speaks* "Grrcht! Meenballa grrcht! Damos tou, meenballa grrcht!Awosk denon, Meenballa grrcht! FION,FION, MEENBALLA GRRCHT! *a flash, energy bursting, earth rumbling, hideous laughter*
• He comes from the north with ice in his veins, and battle on the brain. Vengeance being his goal, he lays waste to the faces of his memories, seeking the one that needs kiiling the most.Â
Opposing him, she traverses the world where dreams are created and stored. Wanting to stabilize her world, and all worlds, she manipulates everything and everyone. The time has come to set everything right.
I am the one that will set these two on the road to a final ending. All will know my name, and once given, you will bow to me, or be broken. This is my promise to all who walk in the light.
• A female who was spotted in the forest dressed in what remains of a green gown, but now is nothing more than tatters, was spoken to by a patrol. She goes by the name of MANE and claims to have lost a favorite pet of hers. She says that she lost her cat. If you see this fire-orange colored feline please collect it and deposit it to the town guard. This may prove more difficult than it sounds as this cat is the size of a small horse. You may call the cat by name, VERNAN, that may help.
The All Seeing Eye
• There is an “entity†named Owl who offers guidance to the High Priest of Gray Divinity Greystone.
• S.O.C
• (The leader of the Thieve’s Guild and the Assassin’s Guild is a man named Makrel, very dangerous).
• I heard that them Scorpion fellas is hoarding treasure. A mirror, chalice and statue from the Gorgon's lair. They also got their greedy hands on some gold key. I'm locking up my belongings, and me wife. I suggest everyone else do the same. (Such artifacts are in Kaleo’s possession if I’m not mistaken)
• Duncan Ledoux, Dragon Hunter, Dragon Slayer. Interested in tangible proof of dragons.
• Connection between Tree of Doom and fiends? (Contrary to common misconceptions, touching the Tree of Doom doesn't actually kill you. Taking something from it however can have… unique effects. As I've found out).
• Is it true that the famous merchant Sazzik The Splendid is to visit the village to sell his wares? He has the greatest magic items anyone has ever seen! With the king providing so much gold, this would be a good market for his expensive stuff!
• Bloodwing?
• A unique item of tremendous magical power can be found in the forests surrounding the settlement. It is sort of star shaped, with five or six points.
• If you eat a golden apple, you will live forever!
• Peppers picked just before the first frost are the most potent by far!
• Death Tokens can be counterfeited. This is to suggest that there is nothing intrinsically magical or frankly special about them. They’re wood with a little scythe drawn on it.Â
• There is a huge bull, sorta like a minotaur that has iron scales for skin and whose breath turns people to stone. Then he eats em when they are stone. He lives way out in the farthest edges of the woods and gards a great treasure. (Gorgon)
• he was asking for protection for his 'masters' so they would be able to compleat a cerimony that would have made it possible for them to walk in the daylight
• The dragon’s only weakness is purple (almost certainly a ruse).
• (Mog Moogle’s “accessories†are the product of demon magic. He murdered a child to complete the ritual with the assistance of House Everdark during the earlier days of the town. The thing is an abomination)
• The special forces of the Grand Duchy is called The Grand Faction, it is the main body with many different subgroups those known are “The Gold Sigil,†“The Blood Red Field,†“The Blood Talonâ€
• (The Blood Red Field is the spy branch)
• The Blood Talon are called as much, because they are known to soak their hands in the blood of their fallen enemies as a sign of victory.
• The Grand Duke may force his concubines to bath in blood to maintain their healthy appearance (This might suggest blood magic at work)
• ((IMPORTANT: His name was Crier Andros, he wanted me to steal Colin’s Holy Avenger in return for pre-cataclysm magical items. Too bad the idiot got it stolen before I had a chance. Told me how to contact him. Some sort of entity? Maybe High Priest of Clandesta? Didn’t seem to understand linear time. Talked about the Gods before cataclysm. “Clandesta, Goddess of Forlorn Battle? Phoenix God of Hate?†Must investigate further.))
Grand Duke’s Bloodline:
Grand Duke Baldesarre (920-989)
Married to Silpal Durmark in 940 (died in childbirth to Othene) beget:
• Rikar (940-969)
• Firdorn (941-963) disappeared, presumed dead in (973)
• D’aak (943-985)
• Othene (946)
Married to Amarisa Tithan in 946
Died under unusual circumstances 5 months and 5 days after the wedding ceremony
Married to Rythan of DePendus in 948 (age 19) beget:
• Eckhard (950-987)
• Silko (953-987) Twin of Yakashpira
• Yakashpira (953-956) Twin of Silko
• Frodrick (958-989)
• Senira (949)
• Justahl (955)
Rythan was sent away in (961) and died 4 years later (965) in obscurity. Her remains were return to the Grand Duke and put in the Royal Tomb. It is unknown why.
Married to Asada Orin in (961) beget:
• Peitar (957-987) a bastard as Baldassare was married to Rythan at the time.
• Bedic (962-989)
• Justalyne (964)
• Zena (970)
• Ruken (972)
Timeline of Births
• Rikar (940-969)
• Firdorn (941-963) disappeared, presumed dead in (973)
• D’aak (943-985)
• Othene (946)
• Senira (949)
• Eckhard (950-987)
• Justahl (955)
• Silko (953-987) Twin of Yakashpira
• Yakashpira (953-956) Twin of Silko
• Peitar (957-987) a bastard as Baldassare was married to Rythan at the time.
• Frodrick (958-989)
• Bedic (962-989)
• Justalyne (964)
• Zena (970)
• Ruken (972)
Timeline of Deaths
• Yakashpira (953-956) Twin of Silko Age 3
• Rikar (940-969) Age 29
• Firdorn (941-963) disappeared, presumed dead in (973) Age 22 disappeared, Age 32 “diedâ€
• D’aak (943-985) Age 42
• Eckhard (950-987) Age 37
• Silko (953-987) Twin of Yakashpira Age 34
• Peitar (957-987) a bastard as Baldassare was married to Rythan at the time. Age 30
• Bedic (962-989) Age 27
• Frodrick (958-989) Age 31
(Obviously some sort of pattern. Firdorn at the center. Is he even dead?)