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Conversion and Creation of Characters
(01-28-2016, 12:06 AM)satoyue Wrote: So if i wanted to roll a new character and retire my old character would said new character get only the 40% retirement cp or would they get the 40% and the additional conversion as well? So if i have a 530 cp character would my new character after retiring get 212 cp (40%) or would they get 212 cp(40%)+ 175 cp(the conversion cp)
The conversion chart is not an optional CP chart that you add onto current cp totals. It is a conversion chart.

If you convert your 530cp character, you get what corresponds to that ammount of CP. Which is 175cp, and then you will buy skills through the new rule book and play The Awakening version of that character. Same character carries over into the next campaign with the new rules version.

If you retire that 530cp character, you now have 212cp to apply to the chart. You are converting a retired character into a brand new character. This will give you 155cp to build your new character with using the KBA system.
(01-28-2016, 12:30 AM)Ankh Wrote: So by any chance for those of us that have no idea what our total cp was during UC (me) will you guys have those records available when we all do our get together for character creating?

Yes. I have the files and will be letting people know how many events they've played.

Steph has the character files and will be able to tell you character cp totals.

You may find your latest version of your character in your personal forum, if you had updated there after we went to that system.
(01-28-2016, 08:26 AM)Gideon Wrote: So, correct me if I'm wrong
But we're taking up all of the CP from KBU, regardless of where it came from (retirement, build, saved cp) and then applying it to the conversion chart for our characters in KBA.
So generally every character is going to be somewhere between 50cp-195cp
And there's 5 possible MP points to get based on the criteria
Makes sense

Not necessarily.

If you have one character, you can convert that character or retire it and make a new character.

If you have two characters, you can convert or retire one or both. Each character converted is the same character but with a KBA rule version build.

Each retired character will let you build a new character in the KBA system.

Unspent cp will carry over and add on after we've applied the conversion chart for what you've decided to do. You can apply all of it to any of your characters, or split it in any combination, or you can choose to keep it as unspent cp.

You will get 1-4 MP to apply to a character depending on what you qualify for.
(01-28-2016, 10:01 AM)warforger Wrote: do we still have are unspent cp?

Your unspent cp is still unspent and will carry over to The Awakening. It can be applied before or after you use the conversion chart or not at all.

I personally believe applying the unspent cp after the conversion will afford you the best bang for your buck when buying the KBA skills.

However, a savy move may be to take that cp and apply it to your UC character, prior to using the chart. If it should bump your character's cp total to 500 or 1000, it will result in more MP for your build.

This, of course, is your unspent cp, and the decision is yours. Remember, anyone that played the last event of the Underworld Campaign will have some unspent CP!
(01-28-2016, 10:26 AM)nikcop72 Wrote: So question i npcd 2 events for kb last year and 1 for cro what would i get for cp from those because math is not happening currently.

Oh yeah Dude? I think my math is broken too. NPCing for our game was 20cp per event. I believe NPCing CRO gives you 5. So I'm going to guess 45cp. We would have to check the records. Also, any STAFF member, please correct me if I'm wrong.
(01-28-2016, 06:48 PM)Collin Darkwood Wrote: I think this is a great way to convert the characters without completely screwing the old or new players. it's kinda like a reset, but still gives the players a chance to keep the characters they have, without them being overpowered in a new game, with new people. I like it. so far. Smile

No one is getting screwed or nerfed or reset or any other term that people associate with game changes they don't necessarily agree with or understand.

We've put a lot of time and effort into this process and are bringing you what we know to be the best possible game we can provide. Our motivation has and always will be the game and our players. We're glad you like it (so far) but we know you're going to love it when the full rule book is released and you play The Awakening!

The goal is to make your characters comparable to the new campaign and rule set. When the rule set gets released it will be easier to understand the differences in cp conversion.

Things will change while your characters are sleeping and it will be apearant once The Awakening happens. The game's feel and challenges will be very reminiscent of the KB of old while maintaining the best of a 7 year proven original ruleset.
Ok Everybody. I think I covered them all. If you have more questions to this particular topic, please post them here. If you wish to speculate and talk strategy amongst yourselves, please post a thread in the OOG board.
Thanks for all the help in understanding this, Davis!
One question - Do the "5th Event" games (such as the Coronation, Warday, Penumbra, etc) could toward the "20 event" conversion MP?
(01-29-2016, 01:48 AM)Aaron Wrote: Thanks for all the help in understanding this, Davis!
One question - Do the "5th Event" games (such as the Coronation, Warday, Penumbra, etc) could toward the "20 event" conversion MP?

Yes, they do!
Knight Blades Staff

“Did you read the rulebook?”
so, is there going to be a conversion chart for unspent cp?

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